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hé shang
  • Buddhist monk
和尚 [hé shàng]
  • [Buddhist monk] 佛教中出家修行的男教徒

和尚[hé shang]
  1. 和尚合掌打坐。

    Buddhist monk sat with folded palms .

  2. 在日本,在职培训经历往往比文凭更受重视,mba学位对职业发展的作用并不明显尤其是如果你是一名和尚的话。

    In Japan , where on-the-job training is often valued more than academic qualifications , an MBA is not an obvious step to career advancement particularly if you are a Buddhist monk .

  3. 她和尚塔尔肯定已经充分讨论过宝宝和衣服的问题。

    She and Chantal must have exhausted the subject of babies and clothes .

  4. 那人是峨眉山上下来的和尚。

    The man was a monk from Emei mountain .

  5. 那个和尚每天祈求恩惠。

    The monks prayed daily for grace .

  6. 小和尚不远千里来到这里,请求大师点化。

    The little monk came all the way here in a hope that the master could point out the correct path for him .

  7. 于是,寺院里所有的和尚,都忙着张罗了起来。

    So all the monks in the temple busied themselves with the preparation .

  8. 于是,和尚动手把佛像搬到了老君像的左边。

    So the monk moved the Buddhist9 idol to the left of the Taoist idol .

  9. 老和尚听了诗句,不觉笑了起来。

    When the old monk heard these lines of the poem , he couldn 't help laughing .

  10. 许仙礼貌地请走法海和尚,丝毫没有想让白素贞喝下雄黄酒的意思。

    Xu Xian dismissed the monk politely , with no intention of serving Bai Su-Zhen the wine .

  11. 他的手下人便在三天前就通知寺院里的和尚,准时备好饭菜。

    His subordinates notified the monks2 in the temple three days in advance to prepare a good meal on time .

  12. 不久之后,一位叫做法海的和尚接近许仙,警告他家中住着妖怪。

    Shortly after , a monk3 named Fa Hai approached Xu Xian , warning him that there was a demon4 in his house .

  13. 白素贞假扮成和尚,告诉他们她是来邀请南极仙翁参加神仙的聚会。

    Bai Su-Zhen disguised herself as a monk and told them she 'd come to invite the Old Man to a gathering13 of the gods .

  14. 老和尚回答道:“您老人家固然清闲了半天,可是我老和尚却已经忙了整整三天!”

    The old monk replied : " Your Honour have indeed gained a half day 's leisure , but I have been busy for three whole days . "

  15. 就这样,和尚跟道士不停地搬来搬去,最后竟将这两座泥像都搬碎了。

    Thus , the monk and the Taoist priest kept on moving the two idols right and left until the idols were broken into pieces in the end .

  16. 有一天,禅宗高僧怀让踱进佛殿,一眼看到马祖和尚正端坐在蒲团上,静心合掌,闭目禅定。

    One day , the eminent2 Monk3 Huai Rang of the Chan sect4 strolled into the temple hall and saw Monk Ma Zu sitting calm and upright on a rush cushion , with his palms put together and his eyes closed in deep meditation5 .

  17. 一天,有个和尚看见庙中的这两座像,心里很不高兴,说:“我们佛法广大无边,怎么能让佛祖屈居在老君的右边呢?”

    One day , a monk5 saw the two idols in the temple . He was displeased6 and said : " The power of Buddha7 is infinite . How can we condescend8 to allow the idol of Sakyamuni to be placed on the right of that of Tai Shang Lao Jun ? "

  18. “每个公民都要关心政治,而责任意识、大局意识,同胞情怀,和尚也同样应该有”。

    SHI MINGSHENG , NPC deputy and abbot of the Guangxiao Temple in Guangzhou , Guangdong province " Every citizen should care about politics and have the consciousness of responsibility as well as love for our compatriots . And a monk should , also . " ZHENG HUIQIANG , member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice-president of Tongji University

  19. 在Assumption修道院,天主教特拉普派和尚十分忙碌。

    At the Assumption Abbey , Trappists monks are very busy .

  20. 目前他们分别在上海交通大学(ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity)、新加坡南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity)和尚德商学院工作。

    They are now at Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Nanyang Technological University and Sauder .

  21. 在获得东京大学(universityoftokyo)的哲学学位后,他在2003年成为一名和尚。

    After gaining a degree in philosophy at the University of Tokyo he became a monk in 2003 .

  22. 我们评估结果细胞仍然是一个LTE试验和尚未选定的供应商。

    US Cellular is still evaluating the results of an LTE trial and has not yet selected a vendor .

  23. 这7个国家分别是法国、德国、意大利、日本、英国、美国和尚未公布第二季度GDP数据的加拿大。

    The countries are France , Germany , Italy , Japan , the UK and the US , with Canada not yet providing GDP data for the second quarter .

  24. 静水讲给Karl的故事叫做“沉重的包袱”,是关于两个和尚旅行途中的故事。

    The third story Stillwater shares with Karl is called " A Heavy Load " and is about two traveling monks .

  25. 故事的开始是一位FBI特工在追捕少林和尚过程中闯入了一个地下武术竞技会场。

    A story will start a FBI agent who chases a Shaolin monk into the underground martial arts fight club scene .

  26. 简述了基于VHE的移动智能业务平台的发展趋势和尚需继续解决的问题。

    Finally , it outlines the development trend of mobile intelligent services based on the VHE platform and the problems existed in the way .

  27. 该文从国外NC几何验证、NC物理验证以及我国的NC图形验证三个方面对NC图形验证技术的发展概况作了较全面的论述,并指出其中存在的不足和尚待解决的问题。

    A comprehensive research survey of NC graphic verification technology is given in the field of abroad NC geometric verification , abroad NC physics verification and NC graphic verification at home . At the same time , the problems of NC graphic verification technology are analyzed .

  28. 事实上,它是中国走向世界最知名的金字招牌,对此释永信方丈“居功至伟”,中国媒体给了他“和尚CEO”的绰号。

    In fact , it is probably one of the most famous global brands to have come out of China in any industry , thanks in no small part to the abbot , whom Chinese media have dubbed the " CEO monk " .

  29. 文章接着介绍了已经工业化的和尚未工业化的几种炼厂气分离回收方法,如深冷分离法、膨胀机法、ARS法、中冷油吸收分离法、络合吸收法、化学吸附法等。

    This article continued to introduce several separation processes such as cryogenic process , expander process , ARS process , middle low temperature oil absoption process , complexation process and chemical adsorption process etc.

  30. 最后介绍了MLM的局限性和尚待解决的关键技术问题,并对MLM在电磁计算中的潜在研究课题和应用前景进行了展望。

    At last , MLM 's limitations and problems are gathered up , and the potential researching topics and prospects to use MLM in EM field computation are proposed .