
hé píng
  • peace;peaceful;Pax;peaceable;mild
和平 [hé píng]
  • (1) [Pax]∶以不存在大的战争和国际事务的普遍稳定为其特征的国际历史时期

  • (2) [peace]∶政府之间互相友好;没有战争的状态

  • 保卫和平

  • (1) [peaceful]

  • (2) 非暴力的;不通过战争方式的

  • 采取和平战略

  • (3) 指没有敌对、争端或骚乱的

  • 和平的环境

  • (4) [peaceable]∶没有战争的

  • 和平的方法

  • (5) [mild]∶心平气和,和洽安宁;温和的;不猛烈的

  • 药性和平

和平[hé píng]
  1. 和平使这个国家的历史翻开了新的一页。

    Peace marked a new dawn in the country 's history .

  2. 由于缺乏基本信任,和平谈判搁浅。

    The peace talks foundered on a basic lack of trust .

  3. 这次攻击事件使和平谈判愈加紧迫。

    The attack added a new urgency to the peace talks .

  4. 一支联合国部队被派出维护和平。

    A UN force has been sent to keep the peace .

  5. 许多人预料和平谈判会破裂。

    Many people were expecting the peace talks would break down .

  6. 他们希望和平解决争端。

    They hope for a peaceful settlement of the dispute .

  7. 社区领导人再次呼吁要和平解决。

    Community leaders have renewed calls for a peaceful settlement .

  8. 英国军队被派遣协助维持和平。

    British forces have been assigned to help with peacekeeping .

  9. 这些国家和平共处已有一个多世纪。

    The countries have been at peace for more than a century .

  10. 政府已制订出和平谈判的时间表。

    The government has set out its timetable for the peace talks .

  11. 这次示威游行是使用和平抗议权。

    The demonstration was an assertion of the right to peaceful protest .

  12. 和平时一样,他给了我五块钱。

    He gave me five dollars , same as usual .

  13. 实施制裁的威胁是我们争取和平最有力的施压手段。

    The threat of sanctions is our most powerful lever for peace .

  14. 他们讨论把新条件加入到和平计划中去。

    They discussed the attachment of new conditions to the peace plans .

  15. 双方承诺和平解决争端。

    Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully .

  16. 和平谈判濒于破裂。

    The peace talks were on the verge of collapse .

  17. 和平解决的全部希望现已化为泡影。

    All hopes of a peaceful settlement had now vanished .

  18. 在刚过去的七月,双方签订了和平条约。

    The two sides signed a peace accord last July .

  19. 这项政策将不利于和平进程。

    The policy will be detrimental to the peace process .

  20. 联合国将充当和平解决方案的保证人。

    The United Nations will act as guarantor of the peace settlement .

  21. 轰炸的消息使和平的希望全部破灭。

    News of the bombing extinguished all hope of peace .

  22. 这些谈判可能预示着新的和平时代的来临。

    These talks could herald a new era of peace .

  23. 经过几周的讨论之后,今天公布了和平协议。

    Today 's announcement of a peace agreement came after weeks of discussion .

  24. 这个组织的宗旨完全是追求和平。

    The aims of the organization are wholly peaceful .

  25. 停火协定带来了表面的和平。

    The ceasefire brought about a semblance of peace .

  26. 历经多年战乱之后,人民渴望永久和平。

    After years of war , the people long for a lasting peace .

  27. 谈判破裂意味着和平进程暂时受阻。

    The breakdown in talks represents a temporary setback in the peace process .

  28. 世界和平是最可贵的珍宝。

    World peace is the greatest prize of all .

  29. 新的提案使神职人员和平信徒都会受到影响。

    The new proposals affect both clergy and laity .

  30. 世界处于战争与和平之间。

    The world stood poised between peace and war .