
  • 网络taiwan;Taiwan question
  1. 中国政府重申,台湾问题是中国的内政

    The Chinese government reiterates that the question of Taiwan is China 's internal affair .

  2. 取而代之的,是围绕以下问题产生的一系列争议:谷歌(google)与网络安全、气候变化、汇率机制、伊朗问题如今是台湾问题。

    In their place have come a series of disputes : About Google and cybersecurity , about climate change , about currency regimes , about Iran and now about Taiwan .

  3. 论台湾问题的症结与前景

    Re - comment on the Rub and Prospect of Taiwan Question

  4. 主权的法理分析与台湾问题

    An analysis of sovereignty and Taiwan problems in light of jurisprudence

  5. 台湾问题是至关祖国统一能否最终实现的关键。

    Taiwan question is the key to accomplish unification of China .

  6. 为什么这么多中国人如此关心台湾问题?

    Why do so many Chinese care so much about Taiwan ?

  7. 中美两国在台湾问题上的博弈,包括两国领导人之间的博弈和各自国内决策主体之间的博弈,是一个双层博弈的过程。

    Conflict and Cooperation : Factor Analysis of Japan in the Taiwan Question

  8. 2000年的美国总统选举与美国的对台湾问题政策

    US presidential election in 2000 and US policy toward Taiwan

  9. 台湾问题的国际因素及变化前景

    The International Factors on Taiwan and the Prospects in Change

  10. 新世纪初台湾问题的分析与思考

    Analysis and Thought of Taiwan Question in the New Century

  11. 台湾问题:一种建构主义的分析

    A Study on the Taiwan Question : A Constructivist Perspective

  12. 现在,必须把在台湾问题上的幼稚言辞搁置一旁。

    Childish rhetoric about Taiwan must now be put aside .

  13. 台湾问题最终必将得到解决。

    It is certain that the Taiwan question will eventually be resolved .

  14. 台湾问题的现状如何?

    What is the present state of the Taiwan question ?

  15. 地缘政治视角下的大国因素与台湾问题分析

    Analysis on the View about Geo-Politics about Great Countries and Taiwan Problem

  16. 第一部分,台湾问题的由来与现状。首先分析台湾问题的由来,指出台湾问题是中国内战遗留问题,是外国势力干涉的结果;

    Part one is origin and current situations of the Taiwan Problem .

  17. 朝鲜战争与中国的台湾问题

    The Korean War and China 's Question of Taiwan

  18. 台湾问题中的美国因素及其未来趋势研究

    The Study on United States Factors on Taiwan Question and Its Future Trends

  19. 台湾问题与美国政府的责任。

    Taiwan question and responsibility of the United States .

  20. .中国有关部门敦促美国慎重处理涉及中国台湾问题。

    Chinese authorities have urged the United States to cautiously handle Taiwan-related issues .

  21. 这一时期,英国在台湾问题上的处境十分微妙。

    This time , Britain in Taiwan , the situation is very delicate .

  22. 试析台湾问题中的美国因素

    The American Fac to r in the Taiwan Problem

  23. 战后初期的国际形势与中日关系中的台湾问题

    The International Situation of Early Postwar Period and Taiwan Question in Sino-Japanese Relationship

  24. 关于解决台湾问题的战略和步骤

    On Strategy and Steps towards Resolving the Taiwan Question

  25. 蒋介石力阻美国将台湾问题国际化

    JIANG Jie-shi 's Resistance to American Attempts to Internationalize the Question of Taiwan

  26. 论台湾问题中的美国、日本因素

    Factors of America and Japan on Taiwan Question

  27. 解决台湾问题也是这个原则。

    The same principle holds true for taiwan .

  28. 美国对台湾问题政策的调整

    United States Readjusts Its Policy towards Taiwan Question

  29. 台湾问题的地缘政治思考

    Reflection on the Geographical Politics in Taiwan Question

  30. 解决台湾问题有两种方式,即武力与和平的方式。

    There are two kinds of solutions : by force and by peaceful settlement .