
  1. 他不懂如何在电视机上秀形象,而令举国震惊的是,他于荣军纪念日在和平纪念碑出席纪念活动时,身著短裤、衣冠不整。

    He could not get the hang of television , and horrified the country by appearing at the Cenotaph one Remembrance Day in a short , scruffy coat .

  2. 作为和平纪念碑的它建于18世纪末,而德国在二战中的战败使它变成了一个冷战的分界线。

    Built in the late 1700s as a monument to peace , Germany 's fall in World War II turned it into a symbol of Cold War division .

  3. 一位吉尼斯世界纪录官员在场认证了这座德国雕塑的新标志,这使得之前的最高沙堡--于今年二月在印度建造的14.84米高的世界和平纪念碑黯然失色。

    A Guinness World Record official was on hand to approve the new mark for the German sculpture , which eclipsed the previous tallest sandcastle , a 14.84 metre world peace monument built in India in February .

  4. 和平解放纪念碑前花团锦簇。

    Flowers were laid in front of the Peaceful Liberation Monument .

  5. 泰国佛教僧侣聚集周日5月16日,2010年,在曼谷,泰国诵经祈祷和平的胜利纪念碑。

    Thai Buddhist monks gather Sunday , May16,2010 , at Victory Monument in Bangkok , Thailand to chant prayers for peace .