
  • Entertainment;entertainment circle;showbiz
  1. 我来告诉你一个娱乐圈的小秘密。

    I 'll let you into a little showbiz secret .

  2. 德弗莱斯是个叼着雪茄、像汤姆·派克(TomParker,荷兰裔美国经纪人,曾是“猫王”的经纪人——译注)一样的娱乐圈老滑头。他坚信公众宣传是获得成功的必要条件。

    Mr. DeFries , a cigar-chomping , Col. Tom Parker-like showbiz slickster , believed in success by way of publicity-generating spectacle .

  3. 我们问了娱乐圈里的女性有关电影制作的内幕。

    We asked women in the biz for their low-down on film-making .

  4. 继文章之后,陈赫成为娱乐圈另一位臭名昭著的脚踩两只船的明星。

    After Wenzhang , Chenhe became another notorious3 two-timer in the entertainment world .

  5. 行动开始以来,腾讯、抖音、豆瓣、新浪微博等多个平台均发布公告,开始清理各类乱象。新浪微博禁止用户在昵称中使用“八组”、“瓜组”等字眼,同时加强对娱乐圈偶像相关帖文的管理。

    Sina Weibo , a Twitter-like platform , has banned netizens from using words such as gossip or onlooker of posts involving entertainment idols .

  6. 据说北京人最喜欢这么“瘫”着。许多北京本地土生土长的娱乐圈人士都曾被摄像机拍到这种不雅但却舒服的坐姿。

    It is said that Beijingers are especially prone1 to this way of reclining . Many entertainers of Beijing origin have been caught on camera in this inelegant but comfortable position .

  7. 《信息时报》消息,台湾娱乐圈知名人士陈建州(黑人)和女友范玮琪相恋10年,于今年二月在新泽西NBA球场求婚成功。

    Popular Taiwanese entertainer Blackie Chen and girlfriend of10 years , Christine Fan , are finally getting engaged this Saturday , Information Times reports .

  8. 每年,为数众多的顶级MBA学生和取得执业资格的律师都试图从某家大型经纪公司的邮件收发室起步,打进娱乐圈。

    Each year dozens of top MBA students and qualified lawyers try to break into the entertainment industry by starting in the mailroom at one of the big agencies .

  9. 丹尼司·法林纳在成为演员之前在芝加哥当了10年警察,他的一名警察朋友邀请他在1981年的电影《Thief》中担任技术顾问,之后他进入娱乐圈。

    Dennis Farina was a Chicago policeman for ten years before becoming an actor when a former cop friend asked him to be a technical advisor on the 1981 film Thief .

  10. 1971年,他要求与小埃德加·胡佛见面,声称他想成为一名FBI情报员,揭发娱乐圈的间谍活动。

    In 1971 , he requested a meeting with J. Edgar Hoover , claiming that he wanted to work as an FBI informant and rat out subversives in the entertainment industry .

  11. 当我们上一次听到罗塞尔戴维斯(以下简称RTD)的消息,他正远离娱乐圈在和他生病的伙伴安德鲁在休假。

    When we last heard from Russell T. Davies he was taking a sabbatical from the world of entertainment in order to be with his ailing partner Andrew .

  12. Q6:人们都觉得韩国的娱乐圈比起其他国家来有更多的情绪压力。

    Q6 : Many people feel that Korean entertainment industry has more Emotional stress than others country .

  13. 不过,无论是语言专家、还是两位entertainer本人都表示,在娱乐圈还有很多单独的词语来表达不同的工作种类。

    But as you will hear from both language experts and two entertainers , there are separate words to describe different jobs within the realm of entertainment .

  14. 但不管怎么样到啦上海我还是希望能够好好的做一下我的EP。娱乐圈很复杂,我是深深体会,但也要看我如何去做啦。

    In any case , to Shanghai but I still hope you can do my good EP . 's Entertainment business is very complex , I was deeply felt , but it also depends on how I do you .

  15. 在娱乐圈有“时尚劳模”雅号的维多利亚-贝克汉姆最近被动物保护组织PETA盯上,起因是维多利亚在不同场合所穿着佩戴的各种鳄鱼、蜥蜴和小牛皮时装招致了这家组织的严重不满。

    Victoria Beckham has evidently risked the wrath of animal rights group PETA with her new bag collection made from crocodile , lizard and calf skins .

  16. 就在上周,他重新聘用了布兰卡(JohnBranca)。此人是洛杉矶娱乐圈内一位有名的代理律师,杰克逊很多最赚钱的商业交易都是由他达成的,包括收购ATV、建立与索尼的合资公司。

    Just last week , he rehired John Branca , the high-profile Los Angeles entertainment attorney who struck many of the singer 's most business deals , including the ATV acquisition and the joint venture with Sony .

  17. 54岁的布拉德·皮特已经在娱乐圈几十年了,如今将要涉足电影制作领域。据媒体《TheHollywoodReporter》报道。皮特的制作公司拿到了电影版权,将拍摄哈维·韦恩斯坦(HarveyWeinstein)性侵丑闻随后遭到《纽约时报》调查的事件。

    He 's been a part of the entertainment industry for decades . And Brad Pitt , 54 , is embarking on another cinematic journey as his production company reportedly acquired the rights to a film centered around the New York Times ' investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against Harvey Weinstein , according to The Hollywood Reporter .

  18. 贝克汉姆夫妇是全球娱乐圈里的明星。

    The Beckhams took a starring role in the global show .

  19. 其他人有的向影视圈发展,有的则退出了娱乐圈,过着安定的生活。

    Others went into the acting business while others settled down .

  20. 宁静:你现在是体育圈里的,还是娱乐圈里的?

    Sports circles : you are quiet , or entertainment circles ?

  21. 在娱乐圈生存的人,我们正期待著看到真实的一面。

    Live on ZNN , the reality show everyone is waiting for .

  22. 既然这样,您是否后悔当初选择进入娱乐圈?

    So , do you regret that you entered the entertainment circle ?

  23. 卓伟以其曝光中国娱乐圈丑闻而出名。

    Zhuo is famous for revealing scandals in the Chinese entertainment circle .

  24. 在整个娱乐圈里,王力宏已经成为一个话题。

    Lee-hom Wang is the talk of the entertainment world .

  25. 我决定永远退出香港娱乐圈。

    I 've decided to quit Hong Kong entertainment industry for ever .

  26. 我想他是亚洲娱乐圈至大的一颗星。

    I think he has to be the biggest entertainer in Asia .

  27. 我当时正在上大学,想到娱乐圈工作。

    I was at college and wanted to work in show business .

  28. 许多人说过,我们新加坡娱乐圈的问题在于市场的大小。

    Most agree that the problem lies in the size of our market .

  29. 在娱乐圈和电影产业中是否也有很多女同呢?

    Is it like what you find in the entertainment and film industries ?

  30. 她多次尝试想进入娱乐圈都没有成功。

    None of her attempts to get into show business has panned out .