
yú lè zhōnɡ xīn
  • Entertainment Center;recreational center
  1. 人民广场是上海的政治、文化、娱乐中心,是最大公交枢纽和人员集散地之一。

    People 's Square is the political , cultural and recreational center in Shanghai , is the largest public traffic hub and one of the people collecting and dispersing places . No.

  2. 西北地区国家级贫困县县、乡体育组织、文化活动站现状调查与分析中国国际建筑艺术实践展休闲娱乐中心

    Research on Current Situation and Management Running Mechanism of Sports Organization and Cultural Recreational Center of National Level Poor Countries in Northwest Region of China

  3. 最初,哈特菲尔德是准备建成一个休闲娱乐中心的。

    Originally , Hatfield had been intended as a leisure complex .

  4. 多丽一开始在弗吉尼亚州自己的家里运营EFK,而后扩展到当地的娱乐中心。

    Dori began operating EFK out of her Virginia home , which she then expanded to   local recreation centers .

  5. 当时,阿勒-塔维尔打算在西岸(WestBank)为巴勒斯坦年轻人开设一个娱乐中心。

    At that time , al Taweel had an idea for a recreation and entertainment center for young Palestinians in the West Bank .

  6. 在PC上或者与朋友和家人一起在家庭娱乐中心体验各种娱乐方式,让快乐时光在此传递!

    Enjoy it on your PC , or gather friends and family around your home entertainment center , and let the good times roll !

  7. NBA中国近日宣布,将于今夏在上海开设首家篮球主题的家庭娱乐中心。

    NBA China announced that the first NBA Playzone , a basketball-themed family entertainment center , will open in Shanghai this summer .

  8. 但如果价格没有对象,LED照明可以变成一个奇特的家庭娱乐中心的电视室或地下室,房主也因为这样,给你的一些餐厅优雅的氛围。

    But if price is no object , LED lighting can turn your basement TV room into a fancy home entertainment center or , as this homeowner did , give your dining room some classy ambiance .

  9. 这座耗资2亿美元的体育和娱乐中心是华盛顿奇才队(WashingtonWizards,NBA篮球队)的主场,它宣布了东部城区形象和氛围的转变。

    The $ 200m sports-and-entertainment complex , home to the Washington Wizards basketball team , heralded a change in both image and atmosphere for the area .

  10. 拉斐特公园娱乐中心是洛杉矶市第一个通过LEED认证的建筑。

    The Lafayette Park Recreation Center is the first completed LEED-certified building for The City of Los Angeles .

  11. 这一娱乐中心将坐落于上海新天地湖滨道购物中心,NBA乐园将通过各种各样以篮球为灵感的游戏区和活动,给年轻的中国球迷带来NBA的激情。

    Centrally located in the Hubin Dao Shopping Mall at Xin Tian Di , NBA Playzone will bring NBA excitement to young Chinese fans through a variety of basketball-inspired play areas and activities .

  12. 开始之前,请先看一条重要提示:PS3硬件设计用来在电视机上或娱乐中心使用,而不是在工作台上使用。

    Before you start , an important note : The PS3 hardware was designed to sit on a TV set or entertainment center , not on a workbench .

  13. 此外,高清晰数字电视机顶盒还可以提供丰富的额外功能,例如电视购物、网上冲浪、高清视频点播、IPTV、IP电话、游戏等等,可以成为家庭多媒体娱乐中心。

    In addition , high-definition digital TV set-top-box also provides a wealth of additional functions , such as TV shopping , Internet surfing , HDTV video-on-demand , IPTV , IP phone , games and so on , which will be the multimedia entertainment centers of a family .

  14. 安全漏洞让索尼陷入相当尴尬的境地——因为索尼希望将PlayStation游戏机定位为能够通过互联网提供电影和音乐的娱乐中心,而不仅仅是电子游戏。

    Sony 's security breach is particularly embarrassing because it wants to position its PlayStation console as an entertainment hub capable of delivering films and music over the internet , in addition to video games .

  15. 摘要近年来,随着手持式、家庭型消费类电子产品的快速发展,人们对这些产品的用户界面产生了新的需求,例如:手机、MP4、家庭多媒体娱乐中心、数字机顶盒等等。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of the hand-held , family-oriented consumer electronics products , the people have a new user interface requirements , such as : mobile phone , MP4 , home multimedia entertainment centers , digital set-top boxes and so on .

  16. 协调·突破&浅谈文化娱乐中心与城市的关系

    Harmony and Breakthrough-On the Relationship between Cultural Entertainment Center and City

  17. 建造新的休闲娱乐中心的计划正在酝酿之中。

    There are plans afoot to build a new leisure complex .

  18. 他曾经在一个娱乐中心工作。

    He used to work for the Parks Department of recreation .

  19. 这个软件是专门为家庭娱乐中心。

    This software is designed specifically as the family entertainment center .

  20. 这是您的家庭多媒体娱乐中心。

    It is the center of your family multimedia entertainments .

  21. 你们要卖掉娱乐中心?

    Oh my God , you guys are selling the entertainment center ?

  22. 他们来了,他们看到了,他们建了一座娱乐中心。

    They came , they saw , they erected an entertainment complex .

  23. 不要忘记:7:00星期六晚上,学生的娱乐中心。

    Don 't forget : 7:00 Saturday evening , Student 's Entertainment Center .

  24. 我要使用它作为一个完全成熟的娱乐中心。

    I use it as a full-fledged entertainment center .

  25. 镇上新开了一家娱乐中心。

    There 's a new leisure center in town .

  26. 极好的娱乐中心,不错…不错的意大利人手艺。

    Stunning entertainment center . Fine , ( pause ) fine Italian craftsmanship .

  27. 这座城市是个激动人心的商业和娱乐中心。

    The city is a freewheelingbusiness and entertainment centre .

  28. 拉斯维加斯是美国最大的娱乐中心之一。

    Las Vegas is one of the biggest entertainment centers in the us .

  29. 那是娱乐中心和餐馆。

    That 's the recreation center and restaurant .

  30. 布鲁克林的一部分,在大西洋沿岸;是一个有名的娱乐中心。

    A section of Brooklyn on the Atlantic ; known as an amusement center .