
jié yùn xì tǒnɡ
  • rapid transit system
  1. 台北捷运系统隧道检测作业简介

    Introduction of tunnel inspection in Taipei Rapid Transit System

  2. 一场辩论涉及到八月在旧金山湾区捷运系统第十一届行动。

    One debate involves an action in San Francisco on August eleventh by the Bay Area Rapid Transit system .

  3. 现在,在高雄大众捷运系统的工人宿舍里,墙上甚至贴着泰国国王的画像,宿舍内还有平板电视,负责劳工政策的台湾高级官员LeeLai-hsi表示,他们的宗教和习惯必须得到尊重。

    In the dorms for the Kaohsiung MRT workers there are now even pictures of the Thai king on the walls and flat panel televisions , says Lee Lai-hsi , a senior labour policy official . Religion and their habits must be respected .

  4. 台北捷运系统土城线潜盾隧道施工案例探讨

    Case study of shield tunneling in Tucheng line of Taipei Rapid Transit Systems

  5. 地铁地下街经营经验探讨&以台北市捷运系统地下街为例

    Discussing Underground Street Business Model & in Example of Metro mall , Taipei

  6. 我们很高兴台北的大众捷运系统已在施工中。

    We are glad Taipei 's mass transit system is under way now .

  7. 政府为大众捷运系统花下钜资。

    The government spent huge amounts of money on the mass rapid transit system .

  8. 周一,旧金山海湾地区的乘客将继续面临交通问题,因为旧金山湾区捷运系统的员工将继续罢工。

    San Francisco bay area commuters can expect more gridlock Monday as BART system workers will remain on strike .

  9. 旧金山湾区捷运系统工人大罢工进入第四天,今早乘列车去旧金山的乘客遭遇交通堵塞。

    Gridlock greeted commuters attempting travel in San Francisco this morning as a major transit strike enteres its fourth day .

  10. 事故发生在旧金山湾区捷运系统罢工的第二天,看起来今天也不能达成协议结束罢工。

    The accident comes on the second day of a BART strike , that brought no sign of a bargain today .

  11. 最后以某捷运系统之泄波电缆系统为实际案例做为行动通信室内涵盖論证规划设计的參考实绩。

    Finally , the results of this leakage cable system and practically applied to indoor coverage design for Metro Rapid Transit System .

  12. 政府筹建捷运系统的第一步,是拟定整个工程的详细计划。

    When the government set about building the MRT , their first step was to develop a massive plan for the project .

  13. 周三起,列车将在旧金山湾区内运行。与此同时,有关捷运系统运输工人的一项新合同仍处于协商之中。

    The trains are set to run in the San Francisco Bay Area on Wednesday while negociations continue over a new contract for BART transit workers .

  14. 酒店通过步行桥直达轻轨(曼谷大众捷运系统)站,刚好位于曼谷丰富多彩的购物区。

    Ideally situated in Bangkok 's colorful shopping , business and entertainment center , the Asia Hotel has long been popular with both business travelers and tourists .

  15. 随着台北捷运系统之陆续发展,不论是捷运系统的新建设或其他工程之兴建,近年来常遇到与既有或兴建中之捷运建设近接施工之状况。

    With continued development of Taipei Rapid Transit System , the Metro projects are often constructed adjacent to existing Metro System or other construction works in recent years .

  16. 酒店还靠近曼谷大众捷运系统的轻轨线,客人可以轻松前往曼谷各个著名购物中心和集市。

    The hotel is also near the BTS sky train line , thereby providing guests easy access to the various shopping centers and markets that Bangkok is famous for .

  17. 简要介绍台湾台北、高雄两市的捷运系统,包括规划、建设、运营、开发、文化建设等情况。

    A general view of the rapid transit system in Taipei and Gaoxiong of Taiwan is presented , including its planning , construction , operation , development and cultural construction etc.

  18. 规划的首都机场捷运系统与汽车通道工程,需下穿正在运营的国际机场跑道,这在国内外尚无先例。

    APM & Vehicle tunnels in Planning have to underpass the taxi track and runway in service of Beijing Capital International Airport , which is the first case in the world .

  19. 两座卫星厅将位于现有两大候机楼的南侧,彼此相连,并通过旅客捷运系统与主候机楼连接。

    The two satellite terminals , located south of the existing two terminals , will be connected to each other and link to the main terminals via a rapid transit system .

  20. 在我国公路旅客运输因近年来国内高速公路惊人的建设发展速度,迅速成为我国大中捷运系统中的重要组成部分。

    In the last few years , the speed of freeway developments is very quick . Highway travelers ' transportation has become an important part of the rapid transit system in our country .

  21. 朱接著说,当台北桃园捷运系统完工通车,松山机场应该关闭,转型为公寓或商业大楼,及中央公园区域。

    When the Metro link from Taipei to Taoyuan Airport is opened , the Sungshan Airport should be shut down and converted into a top tier residential , commercial , and central park area , Chu maintained .