
  • 网络GATE;Boarding Gate
  1. 可以告诉我几号登机门和几号候车室吗?

    Could you tell me the gate number and the terminal number ?

  2. 日本航空公司去东京的航班是在几号登机门?

    What is the gate number for Japan Air Lines to tokyo ?

  3. 我们必须在十分钟内到达九号登机门。

    We have to be at gate nine in ten minutes .

  4. 联合航空公司得一一一次航班是在哪个登机门?

    Where is the boarding gate for UA one one one ?

  5. 你会在登机门拿到座位号码。

    Your seat number will be given at the boarding gate .

  6. 第五十八班飞往巴黎航班的登机门是几号?

    What is the gate number of flight number fifty-eight to paris ?

  7. 请问这个班机的登机门是几号?

    What is the boarding gate number of this flight ?

  8. 请问八号登机门在哪?

    Excuse me , where is boarding gate number eight ?

  9. 我在登机门等你。

    I will wait for you at the boarding gate .

  10. 请搭乘该次航班的乘客去24号登机门登机。

    Passengers are kindly requested to proceed to Gate 24 .

  11. 我们冲到登机门,可是飞机已经起飞了。

    We ran to the gate but our plane had already left .

  12. 飞往芝加哥航班的登机门在哪?

    Where is the gate for the flight to chicago ?

  13. 什么时候起飞,登机门是几号?

    What is the departure time and gate number ?

  14. 西北航空公司的登机门在哪?

    Where are the boarding gates for Northwest airlines ?

  15. 那趟航班的登机门在哪?

    Where is the boarding gate for that flight ?

  16. 第五班机的登机门是几号呢?

    What is the gate number for Flight 5 ?

  17. 号至40号座位的乘客请到登机门。

    Passengers whose seat number is40to20 , please proceed to the boarding gate .

  18. 该航班在第8号登机门登机。

    This flight is now boarding at Gate 8 .

  19. 五号航班的登机门是几号?

    What is the gate number for flight five ?

  20. 这是班机号码和登机门号码。

    This is your flight number and gate number .

  21. 很抱歉我本打算在登机门叫住您的

    Uh , sorry , I meant to meet you at the gate .

  22. 去马德里的乘客,二号登机门。

    Passengers for Madrid , gate number two .

  23. 到悉尼的登机门在哪里?

    Where is the boarding gate for Sydney ?

  24. 去华盛顿的十二号航班走几号登机门?

    Which gate is flight twelve to washington ?

  25. 立即到16号登机门登机。该航班现在正在登机。

    Please go at once to Gate 16 where this flight is now boarding .

  26. 往洛杉矶的西北航空班机是从这个登机门进入吗?

    Is this the right boarding gate for the Northwest Airlines flight for Los Angeles ?

  27. 6号登机门在哪儿?

    Where is the No.6 boarding door ?

  28. 罗伯特说了他的目的地,检查了他的包裹,选择了一个座位,确认了他的登机门和时间。

    Robert stated his destination , checked his bags , chose a seat , and confirmed his gate and timing .

  29. 日前,一名飞机乘客在试图打开紧急登机门时,被同舱的乘客控制住。

    A plane passenger was tackled by fellow travellers as he tried to open an emergency door on board a flight .

  30. 你应该会在登机门追上她你会叫她的名字大喊“我爱你”

    You 'll probably catch her at the gate . You 'll call her name and yell " l love you ! "