
dēng jī
  • ascend the throne;accession;be enthroned
登基 [dēng jī]
  • (1) [ascend the throne] 就任或继任王位

  • 女皇于1918年登基

  • (2) 也说登极

登基[dēng jī]
  1. 还有以国家元首的生日或登基日为国庆节的,如尼泊尔、泰国、瑞典、荷兰、丹麦、比利时等国家。

    The birthday of the head of states or the day of ascend the throne is also used as the National Day by some countries such as Nepal ; Thailand Sweden Netherlands Denmark Belgium etc.

  2. 他放弃了新教信仰,于1594年登基为王。

    He abjured the Protestant faith and became King in 1594 .

  3. 她抵达了圣艾夫斯以庆祝女王登基25周年。

    She arrived in St Ives to celebrate the Queen 's Silver Jubilee .

  4. 日本的明仁天皇已在东京登基。

    Emperor Akihito of Japan has been enthroned in Tokyo

  5. 皇帝自愿退位,由他的儿子登基。

    The emperor abdicated in favor of his son .

  6. 先皇年十八,乃登基即位,经纶天下。

    From a young age he has aspired to learn medicine well and cure the sick .

  7. 万历皇帝十岁登基,在位四十八年。

    Emperor Wanli acceded to the throne at the age of ten and occupied it for48 years ( 1573-1620 ) .

  8. 维多利亚女王登基50周年庆典

    Queen Victoria 's Golden Jubilee celebrations

  9. 到他们设法返回伦敦的时候,英国已经召开了登基会议(AccessionCouncil),并正式宣布伊丽莎白继承王位。

    By the time they were able to get back to London , the Accession Council had met and proclaimed her sovereign .

  10. 英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)警示,月度数据浮动较大也经常修改,可能受到了6月份女王登基60周年庆典银行额外假期的影响。

    The Office for National Statistics warned that the monthly data , which are volatile and often revised , were probably affected by the extra bank holiday in June for the Queen 's diamond jubilee .

  11. 在风风光光庆祝完自己登基60周年后,英国女王伊丽莎白二世(QueenElizabethII)现在可以期待打破更多纪录了。

    After celebrating her 60th year on the throne in style this past week , Britain 's Queen Elizabeth II can now look forward to breaking some more records .

  12. CNN特派员洁茵·维尔吉:英国最恶名昭彰的国王,在登基500年后的今天,不为人知的一面己慢慢浮现。

    ZAIN VERJEE , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Five hundred years after his coronation , a new side of Britain 's most notorious monarch is emerging .

  13. 登基会议的成员包括神职和俗职的上议院议员、枢密院(privycouncil)成员、英联邦代表以及“其他有质素的显要绅士”。

    This body comprised lords spiritual and temporal , members of the Privy Council , representatives of the Commonwealth and " other principal gentlemen of quality " .

  14. PremierInn酒店调查发现,20%的英国人觉得,英国女王登基60周年大放假后,周末都好像不够用了。

    The research by Premier Inn revealed one in five Brits - 20 per cent - say their weekends feel shorter after being treated to an extended break over the Queen 's Jubilee .

  15. 就餐的餐厅恰好也在宏伟的哥特式大教堂兰斯主教座堂(Notre-DamedeReims)附近,大多数的法国国王都是在这座教堂里加冕登基的。

    The restaurant also happens to be just around the corner from the magnificent Gothic cathedral of Notre-Dame-de-Reims , where most of the kings of France were coronated .

  16. 这项提案在庆祝女王登基60周年之际由保守党议员TobiasEllwood提出,目前已经得到了三个主要党派领导人的支持。

    Conservative Tobias Ellwood 's motion is backed by all three main party leaders and comes as Britain prepares to celebrate the Queen 's Diamond Jubilee .

  17. 后胡亥登基,即秦二世。

    Therefore , Hu Hai was installed as the Second Emperor .

  18. 英国普天同庆百万子民庆贺女王登基五十周年

    Millions of Subjects All over Britain Celebrate Queen 's Golden Jubilee

  19. 在格拉斯哥该庆典被称为“英格兰登基庆典”。

    In Glasgow the anniversary was called " an English Jubilee " .

  20. 那个国家的女王是去年登基的。

    The queen of that country was seated last year .

  21. 她的登基日成为国家最重要的节日

    Her accession day became the greatest of national holidays ,

  22. 他在布鲁塞尔举行的就职仪式上宣誓登基。

    He was sworn in his ceremony in Brussels .

  23. 我不想在妻子登基前被处死。

    I 'd prefer not to be hanged before my wife is queen .

  24. 我很期待威廉王子登基。1.

    I can 't wait to see Prince William come to the throne .

  25. 光武帝刘秀登基后战争仍不断发生。

    War continued after Liu Xiu , Emperor Guangwu , claimed the throne .

  26. 他在1910年登基。

    He came to the throne in 1910 .

  27. 周定公与召穆公让公子静登基,是为周宣王。

    The Dukes of Zhou and Shao had Prince Jing enthroned as King Xuan .

  28. 唯一能让我变得更加传奇的方式,就只有登基为王了。

    The only way I could be more epic is if I was purple .

  29. 威廉一世登基英国国王,正式完成了伟大的诺曼征服。

    William I was crowned king of england , formally completing the Norman conquest .

  30. 我爱上了即将登基的女王。

    I 'm in love with the queen-to-be .