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  1. 作为一位地产投资人和代理商,里斯登当时怀了他们两个孩子中的第一胎,房东似乎被这位年轻英国房客要养家的这个事实所打动。里斯登1993年来到澳门。

    Risdon , a property investor and agent , was pregnant with the first of the couple 's two children and the owner appeared to be won over by the fact that her young English tenants , who arrived in the territory in 1993 , would be raising a family .

  2. 芝加哥洛约拉大学(LoyolaUniversityChicago)心理学教授凯瑟琳·黑登(CatherineHaden)说,研究表明,详述式方法很容易学。黑登还是2003年一项针对39名学龄前儿童家长所做研究的合着者。

    The elaborative method proved to be easy to learn says Catherine Haden , a psychology professor at Loyola University Chicago , a co-author of a 2003 study of parents of 39 preschoolers .

  3. 里斯登于1994年成立了一家房地产管理公司,她表示,对这些房子的需求量很大。

    And , says Risdon , who set up a real estate management company in 1994 , they are in high demand .

  4. 历史文献上有关契丹族的确实记载,始于北魏登国四年(389)。

    They were first mentioned in historical records dating from the 4th year of Dengguo ( 389 ) in the Northern Wei period .

  5. 中央电视台正在西方寻找业余表演者登上2015年中国春晚舞台。

    China Central Television is looking west for its next pool of amateur entertainers to perform in the 2015 Chinese New Year 's Gala .

  6. 曾以277亿英镑的创纪录身家登上2008年富豪榜榜首的钢铁业大亨米塔尔,今年跌至第11名,身家缩水至71亿英镑,在去年一年就缩水了21亿英镑。

    Steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal , who topped the list in 2008 with a Rich List record of 27.7 billion pounds , is down to 11th place with 7.1 billion pounds , losing 2.1 billion pounds last year .

  7. 尽管中国经济放缓,但登上2015年《胡润百富榜》的富豪数量(上榜门槛为身家20亿元人民币(合3.15亿美元))增加680人,至1877人,为有记录以来最大年度增长。去年新增富豪343位。

    Despite the slowing economy , the number of people on the overall rich list - which claims to track anyone with at least Rmb2bn ( $ 315m ) in wealth - rose by 680 to 1877 in 2015 , the largest yearly increase on record and up from a gain of 343 names last year .

  8. 超级名模肯德拉·斯皮尔斯登上了2014年5月刊泰国版《Vogue》封面,照片由时尚摄影师MarcinTyszka掌镜,肯德拉所穿家居服饰由造型师EkaterinaMukhina设计,其妆容由化妆师TiinaRoivainew打造。

    Top model Kendra Spears teams up with fashion photographer Marcin Tyszka for the cover story of Vogue Thailand 's May 2014 edition . For the House of Style Kendra was styled by Ekaterina Mukhina , with hair by Christophe Hasenbein , and makeup by Tiina Roivainew .

  9. 宰登文于1993年完成高中所有科目,然后,他继续在国防技术学院深造。

    Sai finished his high school in1993 with distinction in all subjects .

  10. 在困难中勇登新台阶&1990年广东对外经贸述评

    Scaling New Heights in Difficulties & Review of Guangdong Foreign Economic Relation and Trade

  11. 踏着古滇王国的背影走进江川,登上埋藏两千年历史的李家山古滇墓葬群。

    Follow Gudian provides some background into the Kingdom of Jiangchuan , boarded buried two thousand years of history Li Shan Gudian tomb group .

  12. 在其中一个新园区中,星战粉丝可以登上“千年隼号”,执行“秘密任务”。

    In one , fans of the franchise will be able to board the Millennium Falcon to head up a ' secret mission ' .

  13. 该报刊登了在1888年大选中获胜的共和党总统候选人本杰明·哈里森总戴着一顶大大的海狸皮帽子的卡通画。

    The newspaper published cartoons of Benjamin Harrison , the Republican candidate who won the presidential election in1888.Harrison always wore a high hat made of beaver fur .