
  • 网络coronation
  1. 老皇帝去世后,他在皇子中指定的新皇帝在料理丧事之后就要举行登基大典。

    Upon the death of the old emperor , the new emperor designated by the late emperor shall , after the funeral of the old emperor , inaugurate the grand enthronization ceremony .

  2. 司马睿在登基大典上,几次请王导和他一起坐上宝座,接受群臣拜贺,王导谢绝。

    Upon the ceremony of ascending the throne , Sima Rui repeatedly invited Wang Dao to sit together with him , which meant the sharing of authority , and was declined by the latter .

  3. 为庆祝英女王登基50周年大典,英国皇家邮政局决定在女王加冕日这一天发行一套共5枚纪念邮票,上面印有女王在不同时期所影的头像。

    The Golden Jubilee stamps , issued on the50th anniversary of the Queen 's accession to the throne , is without the usual silhouette of the Queen 's head .