
mín yòng
  • civil;civilian;for civil use
民用 [mín yòng]
  • [civil;civilian;for civil use] 人民衣、食、住、行等方面所使用的

  • 民用建筑

民用[mín yòng]
  1. 城市民用电月耗量的统计分析及预测

    Analysis and Forecast of Monthly Power Consumption for Civil Use in Cities

  2. 但GPS定位等技术在民用方面的应用日益成熟,为移动目标监控系统的研究与应用注入了新的动力。

    However , the increasingly maturation of some technologies like GPS ' application for civil use has given new motive power to MTMS 's research and application .

  3. 卡车司机用民用波段无线电呼救。

    A truck driver used his CB radio to call for help .

  4. 他们轰炸了军事和民用目标。

    They bombed military and civilian targets .

  5. 在军工产品和民用产品的制造方面,他们都处于领先地位。

    They are the leading manufacturer in both defence and commercial products .

  6. 民用飞机的发动机必须静音、无污染、可靠、耐用。

    Civil aircraft engines must be quiet , non-polluting , reliable and long-lasting .

  7. 村民用管道从水库引来饮用水。

    The villagers piped in drinking water from the reservoir

  8. 我们不会以民用设施为打击目标。

    We 're not going after civilian targets .

  9. 用这些导弹击落民用飞机是极不道德也是完全没道理的。

    Using these missiles to down civilian aircraft is simply immoral and totally unjustifiable .

  10. 民用航空正遭受冲击,不是因为人们长久以来的对速度、浪漫主义和魅力的渴望,而是应对气候变化已迫在眉睫。

    Civilian aviation is being disrupted , not by the age-old desires for speed , romanticism and glamour , but by the pressing need to respond to a changing climate .

  11. 《民用航空安全保卫条例》修订草案规定,国内所有民航从业人员都必须接受安全背景调查。

    According to the draft of the revised Regulation on Safety and Security of Civil Aviation , all of the country 's civil aviation personnel must undergo background security investigations1 .

  12. 我国还将继续载人月球探测等研制工作,重点加快推动北斗导航等国家重大科技工程在民用航空等领域应用落地。

    China will continue to research manned lunar exploration , and will foster the application of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System ( BDS ) and other major projects in civil aviation and other fields .

  13. Air(初三适用)国际航空运输及管理规则&兼述我国民用航空法

    International Air Transportation and Its Management Regulations & Overview of the China Civil Aviation Law As Well

  14. GPS卫星民用信号半实物仿真研究

    Studying and Realizing in Simulating Half-Hardware of the GPS Civil Signal

  15. 在民用领域,adhoc网络可以用于灾难救助。

    In the civilian sphere , ad hoc network can be used for disaster relief .

  16. 目前DU合金被广泛应用于各类民用和军事项目。

    DU has been widely used in civilian and military affairs .

  17. 雷达波吸波材料(RAM)在军事及民用领域具有广泛的应用前景。

    Radar absorbing materials have been widely used in military and industry .

  18. 在信息化社会当中,adhoc网络无论在军用还是在民用上都有着广泛的应用前景。

    In the information society , Ad Hoc networks are widely used in military or civilian fields .

  19. RFID技术在民用航空工业的应用

    RFID Technology in Civil Aviation Industry

  20. 中国是核供应国集团(NuclearSuppliersGroup)的成员之一,该集团负责规制民用核技术的贸易,目的是对核武器扩散情况实施监督。

    China belongs to the Nuclear Suppliers Group , which regulates trade in civil nuclear technology , with an eye toward nonproliferation of nuclear weapons .

  21. 无线局域网(WLAN)是相当便利的数据民用通信传输系统。

    Wireless local area network ( WLAN ) is a very convenient data communication transmission system .

  22. 国产涤纶FDY民用丝油剂的应用技术探讨

    Discussion on application technology of home-made finishes for civil polyester FDY

  23. 民用塑料释放的HCl对田间大豆光合作用和生长的影响

    Effect of HCl gas released from civil plastic products on growth and photosynthesis of soybean plant in the field

  24. 关于LED在民用飞机仪表板照明中的应用,还有很多值得研究的课题,包括其可行性如何、具体参数应该怎样选取等等。

    Many topics on the LED application are still worth researching , including the practicality and the choice of lighting parameters , etc. All of them make the research meaningful and necessary .

  25. adhoc网络是由移动节点自组织形成的无线网络,在军事、民用领域具有广泛的应用前景。

    Ad Hoc network is a self-organizing wireless network formed by mobile nodes . And it has a wide range of application in the military and civilian field .

  26. 文中详细分析了取消SA政策后的GPS单点定位的精度及民用GPS的应用及前景。

    The paper analyzed in detail the precision of GPS single - point positioning without SA policy and introduced the application and prospect of GPS user of civil industry .

  27. 基于MEMS惯性器件的低成本航姿测量系统在军事领域和民用领域的都具有广泛的应用前景。

    Low-cost Attitude and Heading Reference Systems based on MEMS inertial sensors have broad application prospects both in the field of national defense and civilian areas .

  28. 无线移动adhoc网络是一种具有高度动态拓扑结构、节点任意移动的自组织多跳网络,在军事和民用领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    Ad Hoc networks are a self-organized multi-hop network with highly dynamic topology and random node . It has broad prospects in the field of military and civil affairs .

  29. 概括介绍了CDMA技术在军事上及民用上的应用,提出了CDMA技术在导弹制导上的应用。

    The applications of CDMA techniques being used in military and popularity are presented . The application of CDMA used on missile controlling and guiding is proposed .

  30. 得出的鉴定等级安全性与设计规范的安全性是一致的,实现了民用结构RC构件鉴定的定量计算。

    The appraised safety degrees are consistent with the calculating results using design codes , and the quantitative calculation for safety degrees of civil structural elements can be implemented .