
  • 网络Minle County
  1. 第二部分民乐县布局调整后四所寄宿制学校的收支情况。

    An analysis in income and outcome of four boarding schools in MinLe Town after layout adjusted .

  2. 民乐县油菜产业现状及发展建议

    Current Situation and Suggestions for Rape Industry in Minle County

  3. 甘肃民乐县两例人间鼠疫病例的流行病学分析

    An epidemiological analysis of two plague cases in Minle county , gansu

  4. 民乐县果树设施栽培现状及发展对策长三角地区果树业现状及其发展战略研究

    Present Status and Development Countermeasures of Protected Cultivation of Fruit Trees in Minle Country

  5. 甘肃省民乐县新石器时期遗址的古代炭化小麦考察初报

    A Preliminary Report of Investigation on the Ancient Carbonized Wheats of Neolithic Cave at Minle County of Gansu Province

  6. 中国官方的新华通讯社说,星期五的爆炸发生在中国西北的甘肃省民乐县,当地人民法院院长和县委一基层官员在爆炸中丧生。

    The explosion Friday in Minle County in the northwestern province of Gansu killed the president of the county court and a local Communist Party official , the official Xinhua News Agency said .

  7. 民乐县位于祁连山北麓冷凉灌区,气候冷凉湿润,昼夜温差大,日照充足,菜籽粒的千粒重大和含油率高。

    Minle county located in cold-cool irrigating area at the north of Qilian Montain , with cold and humid climate , large temp diff , abundance sunshine , large grain weight and high oil content .