
  • 网络Liangzhou;Liangzhou District
  1. 生态盈余与生态赤字的拐点出现在1975年,且赤字呈负增长趋势,生态赤字的出现表明凉州区农业生态系统处于不可持续的状态。

    The transformation period between ecological remainder and deficit was in 1975 , and the deficits had negative increment with acceleration in recent years .

  2. 武威市凉州区中学体育课程资源的现状与开发利用研究

    A Research on Development & Utilization of Physical Education Curriculum Resources in Middle School in the Present States of Liang Zhou Qu Wu Wei City

  3. 而凉州区生态系统服务功能价值从1997年的25.32亿元增长到2006年的25.73亿元,年均增长率仅0.18%。

    But ecosystem service value increased from 25.32 billion yuan of 1997 to 25.73 billion yuan of 2006 , with an average annual growth rate of 0.18 % .

  4. 应用甘肃省河西走廊东部武威市5站(乌鞘岭、古浪、永昌、凉州区、民勤)近50年月、年气象资料和沙尘暴个例,详细分析了沙尘暴产生的气候背景和气候影响因子。

    Using the observed meteorological data , and typical sandstorm examples at five stations of Wuwei city in east of Hexi corridor in recent 50 years , the climatic background and influence factors of occurring sandstorm are analyzed detail .