
liáng fěn
  • bean jelly;cold jelly;agar-agar
凉粉 [liáng fěn]
  • [agar-agar;bean jelly;cold jelly] 一种豆制食品,用醋、辣椒等作料凉拌着吃

凉粉[liáng fěn]
  1. 橡子凉粉的研制

    Development of Acorn Bean Jelly

  2. 磷酸单酯变性淀粉在绿豆凉粉中的应用研究

    Study on the application of phosphate monoester modified starch in mung bean jelly

  3. 其余的凉粉们可以用我们自己的方法去爱她并支持她:买她的CD!

    For the rest of us , we can love her and support her in our own way : buy her CDs !

  4. 研究了凉粉草胶在不同质量浓度、温度、pH、盐的种类及盐浓度和不同蔗糖浓度下的流体行为以及固定剪切速率下的表观粘度随不同条件的变化情况。

    The flow behavior and apparent viscosity at a certain shear rate of MBG was studied under different gum mass concentration , different temperatures , different salt and different salt concentration , different sugar concentration .

  5. 研究了凉粉溶胶的胶凝特性、流变特性及煮提液浓度、淀粉加入量、溶胶温度和pH值对溶胶表观粘度的影响。

    This paper discussed character of the gelling solution of Mesona Chinese Bench , rheological property and the effects of extractive 's concentration , amount of the starch , temperature and pH value on its viscosity .

  6. 凉粉草(MesonachinensisBenth.)为唇形科仙草属一年生草本植物,是我国南方地区生产凉茶和凉粉的主要原料之一。

    Mesona chinensis Benth . , one species of Mesona genus , which belongs to Family Labiatae , is an annual herbaceous plant . It is one of the main materials for producing herbal tea and jelly in the southern region of China .

  7. 结果表明,当木薯淀粉加入量为0.4%,检测温度为50℃,在pH7.8~8.5范围,用旋转粘度计测出的凉粉溶胶检测液表观粘度能反映其凉粉成品凝胶的感官质量,且再现性好;

    The results showed , with the cassava starch 0.4 % , measuring temperatur at 50 ℃, pH value was in the range of 7.8 ~ 8.5 , the solution 's apparent viscosity measured by Rotational Viscometer could reflect the quality of the gel and was reproducible .

  8. 抑制凉粉草浓缩汁产生凝胶的应用研究

    Application study on inhibition of Mesona Blume concentrate producing gel

  9. 凉粉草的组织培养及快速繁殖。

    Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Mesona chinensis benth .

  10. 凉粉草总多酚的提取及其咖啡酸的检测

    Extraction of Total Polyphenols in Mesona Blume and Determination of their Caffeic Acid

  11. 探讨了用绿豆凉粉泔水研制清凉饮料的工艺过程和方法。

    The technological process for making a refreshing drink from mungbean protein-swill was investigated .

  12. 凉粉草胶的研究进展

    The research advances of the mesona blume gum

  13. 一位面馆的老板开玩笑:你还卖什么凉粉?

    The owner of a noodle shop joked : What are you selling Mesona ?

  14. 很多一条条的凉粉

    With lots and lots of cincau strips

  15. 凉粉草胶的稳剪切流变学性质

    Steady Shear Rheology of Mesona blumes Gum

  16. 主要探讨了橡子凉粉的生产工艺参数和配方。

    In this paper , the technological conditions of acorn bean jelly are mainly discussed .

  17. 外加盐对凉粉草胶溶液的耐盐性和分子链刚性度的影响

    Influence of adding salt on the salt tolerance of Mesona Blumes gum and its molecular chain stiffness

  18. A:所以现在就是凉粉汉堡包,一份沙拉,先生,最后一样是什么?

    A : So now is two cheeseburgers , a Tuna salad , and what was the last thing , sir ?

  19. 把凉透的绿豆凉粉切成细条状,放到一个中碗里。混合所有酱料淋在凉粉上。稍微拌匀。

    Place thinly shredded jelly in a medium mixing bowl , and mix sauce ingredients and pour over , stir gently .

  20. 结果表明,凉粉草胶溶液在不同的条件下呈牛顿流体或假塑性流体行为,在剪切速率52。

    It was suggested that MBG looked like a Newtonian fluid or a pseudo-plastic fluid under different conditions , and under the shear rate of52 .

  21. 凉粉水果冻,清凉香甜解暑热。我的甜点要苹果派和香草水淇淋。

    Bean and fruit jelly , with cool , fragrant and sweet taste , frees you from the summer heat . I would like some apple pie with vanilla ice cream for dessert .

  22. 《小吃店》客人要吃凉粉,就从那个花花绿绿的大盆里手抓一碗,另外还有很多在小吃店里只看电视不吃饭的人。

    Snack bar If visitors wanted to eat the agar jelly , they can grasp a bowl from the colorful basin ; of course in the snack bar there were many visitors who prefer watching TV rather than eating .

  23. 来成都一定要去喻家厨房,这家高级餐馆专做工序复杂的川菜,例如鲍鱼凉粉、爽口人参,还有水煮江团。

    Chef Yu Bo is a must-go . The high-end restaurant cooks sophisticated Sichuan food with awe-inspiring presentations : abalone on spiced mung bean jelly , crispy ginseng root , and tiny spheres of apple poached in syrup tinged with fiery notes of green Sichuan pepper .