
liáng xuè zhǐ xuè
  • To cool blood and stop bleeding;cooling blood and hemostasis
凉血止血[liáng xuè zhǐ xuè]
  1. 凉血止血法治疗小儿过敏性紫癜38例

    Blood-Cooling and Blood-Stanching Therapy for 38 Cases of Allergic Purpura

  2. 方法对56例外伤性玻璃体积血根据其出血早晚分别采用中药凉血止血活血化瘀治疗。

    Methods 56 cases of traumatic vitreous hemorrhage were treated with cool blood and styptic and invigorate the circulation of blood of dialectical traditional Chinese medicine .

  3. 凉血止血剂是为治疗热证出血而设的方剂,但出血的同时瘀血也会随即产生。

    Removing heat from blood to stop bleeding prescription is made for bleeding caused by heat syndrome , but stasis appears as well when bleeding occurs .

  4. 青黛为常用中药,具有清热解毒、凉血止血、清肝泻火的功效,临床应用十分广泛。

    Indigo naturalis is a kind of Chinese traditional medicine , which has the effect of heat-clearing and detoxifying , cooling blood , stopping blood and clearing liver-heat , and it is widely clinical used .

  5. 目的观察清热凉血、祛瘀止血药组方治疗血热夹瘀型崩漏的疗效。

    The Experimental Study on Treatment of Metrorrhagia and Menorrhagia Due to Blood-Heat by Qingrezhixuening ;

  6. 用药以补益药、清热泻火药、清热凉血药、止血药、活血祛瘀药、清热燥湿药为主。

    However asthenia of Qi is the main reason in the root , asthenia in the branch is heat poison and blood stasis .

  7. 我科采用结合中医清热祛风凉血、健脾化瘀止血治疗,取得较满意的疗效。

    My branch uses the union Chinese medicine to alleviate fever relieves sickness , is good for the spleen stops bleeding the treatment , obtains a more satisfactory curative effect .