
  • 网络Taraxacum;Taraxacum Weber;Taraxacum F. H. Wigg
  1. 蒲公英属4种植物遗传关系与遗传多样性的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis for genetic relationship and diversity of four species of genus Taraxacum Officinale

  2. 山西的蒲公英属植物

    The Flora of the Genus Taraxacum in Shanxi

  3. 青海蒲公英属植物的经济价值及开发利用前景

    The economic value and the prospect of the usage

  4. 蒲公英属植物是青海高原的一种重要野生植物资源。

    Taraxacum spp . is a kind of important wild plant in the plateau of Qinghai .

  5. 新疆蒲公英属新植物

    New Species of Taraxacum from Xinjiang

  6. 中国蒲公英属植物资源

    Plant Resources of Taraxacum in China

  7. 青海蒲公英属植物资源生物学特性及化学成分

    The preliminary studies on the resources and the biological characteristics chemical ingredients of Taraxacum spp . In Qinghai

  8. 有些被子植物的种子有蛛丝般的翅膀,例如蒲公英和乳草属植物的种子。

    In some angiosperm the seeds are equipped with gossamer wings , like the dandelion and milkweed seeds .