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  • 网络Pu Songling;ghost writer
蒲松龄 [pú sōng líng]
  • [Pu Songling] (1640-1715) 中国清代著名的文学家,字留仙,一字剑臣,号柳泉居士,山东淄川(今属淄博市)人。家境贫寒,熟悉民间疾苦,留意采集民间传说异闻,呕心沥血数十年写成短篇小说集《聊斋志异》,通过谈狐说鬼等形式,批判社会、政治

  1. 第二章分三节论述了蒲松龄的家庭观。

    The second chapter discusses the writer 's outlook on family .

  2. 人学跋涉:东方的蒲松龄和西方的休谟

    Trudge of the Human Science : Eastern Pu Song-ling and Western Hume

  3. 蒲松龄号柳泉居士,生前一直默默无闻。

    Pu songling , little known while alive , was also called Liuquan jushi .

  4. 蒲松龄与爱伦·坡小说之比较研究

    Comparative Research on Pu Song-ling and Allan Poe'Novels

  5. 自卑的力量&谈蒲松龄《聊斋志异》创作的心理动因

    Inferiority force & discussing creative psychological agent of Pu Song ling 's Bizarre Stories

  6. 《阿绣》反映了蒲松龄对主情浪漫思潮影响下的爱情观更加深入的思索。

    This novel reflects Pu Songling 's deep thought on love philosophy influencing by Romanticism .

  7. 刻画的人物形象具体、生动,具有较高的艺术境界,所以研究蒲松龄作品中的女狐的形象,具有重要的意义。

    The figure is depicted as the image of concrete , and vividness of high art .

  8. 聊斋的原作者蒲松龄死于三个世纪以前。

    Pu Song Ling , the original author of Liao Zhai , died three centuries ago .

  9. 蒲松龄寄情志于鬼狐,是源于一种人学精神的坚执。

    Pu song-ling expressed feeling and will by the clever fox and was obstinate to human spirit .

  10. 蒲松龄在此一年的最大收获,一是形成了《聊斋志异》鲜明的南北地域风格;

    One was the formation of the distinct south and north regional style in Collections of Bizarre Stories .

  11. 蒲松龄《聊斋志异》与亨利·詹姆斯《螺丝在拧紧》中的宗教现象比较研究

    Comparative Research of Religious Phenomenon between Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio and the Turn of the Screw

  12. 《聊斋志异》佛教思想浅探&兼论蒲松龄创作的主观命意

    Briefly Explore the Buddhist Ideas of the Ghost Lore & Concurrently Discusses the Purpose of Pu Song-ling 's Creation

  13. 王鹿瞻是蒲松龄的郢中社友之一,在蒲松龄交游人物中占有较特殊的位置。

    Wang Lu-than held a special status as a friend of Pu Song-ling in the poem league of Yingzhong .

  14. “异史氏曰”直接反映了蒲松龄理想的爱情观、友情现、伦理现和社会观。

    " Yishishi Comments " has reflected Pu Songling 's views on ideal love , friendship , ethics and Society directly .

  15. 文人的自我疗救&从《聊斋志异》情爱故事看蒲松龄的创作心理从另一角度来讲是自我安慰、自我保护,它会促进行为者对下一次事件的取胜信心。

    From other point of view , it is a self-consolation and self-protection that can strengthen confidence of behavior for the next case .

  16. 劳马将中国微小说的起源追溯至清朝,当时蒲松龄创作了数百篇短篇小说。

    Mr. Lao traced the origins of Chinese flash fiction to the Qing Dynasty , when Pu Songling wrote hundreds of short stories .

  17. 蒲松龄还把他的几个故事改编成“鼓词”(当时流行的一种戏剧形式)。

    He is credited with having adapted several of his tales into " drum songs , " a popular dramatic form of the time .

  18. 有些学者认为《醒世姻缘传》(约1644~1661)的作者也是蒲松龄。

    The colloquial novel Xingshi yinyuanzhuan ( 1644 ~ 1661 ) ; " A Marriage to Awaken , the World " ; Eng. trans .

  19. 这种异类仙化倾向源自《聊斋志异》对民间传统中狐仙观念与唐以来文学中仙妓合流意识的继承,更出自蒲松龄对异类观念的创新与道德理想的寄托。

    This is an inheritance of the idea of fox spirits in the folklore and the combination of immortal and prostitute in the post-Tang Dynasty literature .

  20. 这一变故既是蒲松龄创作《马介甫》的主要诱因,也是蒲松龄创作的心理和现实双重郁积倾泻的突破口。

    This misfortune is the main reason for Pu to create Ma Jiefu , and it is also the breakthrough for Pu to release his psychological and real depression .

  21. 蒲松龄的431篇志怪故事的收集工作基本上于1679年完成,但是直到1707年他还在添加小说稿。

    Pu 's impressive collection of 431 tales of the unusual and supernatural was largely completed by 1679 , though he added stories to the manuscript as late as 1707 .

  22. 《画皮》取材于清代蒲松龄的古代小说《聊斋志异》。

    " Painted Skin " is adapted from the ancient novel " Liaozhai Zhiyi ", or " Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio ", written by Pu Songling in the Qing Dynasty .

  23. 但是蒲松龄却用文言文写小说,并且自由地采用唐宋“传奇”的形式和主题。

    Pu instead wrote his stories in the classical idiom , freely adopting forms and themes from the old chuanqi ( " marvel tales " ) of the Tang and Song dynasties .

  24. 第二章论述写实性三角模式婚恋小说的思想内涵,揭示蒲松龄对婚姻家庭的伦理批判和现实理想期待;

    The second chapter elaborates the thought connotation of the triangle-pattern marriage and love which is realistic , indicating Pu Song-ling 's ethical critique towards marital family and his ideal anticipation towards reality .

  25. 文章探讨了这些词语的来源,以及在小说中的作用,提出此类称谓词语是蒲松龄对宋代以前的典籍词汇的融汇与创新。

    The paper has studied their sources , the role in the stories and proposed that these titles are Pu Song-ling 's absorption and creation of the former text words before the Song Dynasty .

  26. 学界对蒲松龄《聊斋志异》创作动机的研究,多是基于传统价值体系的道德评价。

    The research by the academic circles into the motive of Pu Songling 's creation of Bizarre Stories from the Study of a Scholar is mostly based on the moral evaluation of traditional value system .

  27. 蒲松龄作为封建社会中的传统文人,一生热衷举业,其生活道路、思想观念及文学创作与当时的文教政策之间关系密切。

    Pu Song-ling who was a traditional intellectual in the feudal society was keen on the court test , therefore his life , ideology , and literary creation had a close relationship with the education policy at that time .

  28. 尽管蒲松龄一生都仅是个地位不高的教书先生,但是他去世50年后,其作品一经出版就带来了声望,从而使很多人模仿他的作品,进而使文言小说再度流行起来。

    Although Pu lived and died as an obscure provincial schoolteacher , his work gained fame when it was first printed some 50 years after his death , inspiring many imitations and creating a new vogue for classical stories .

  29. 受明清进步思潮影响,蒲松龄在《聊斋志异》中塑造了一系列具有开放的性格特征、自由的婚嫁观念和自强的精神风貌的女性形象。

    Under the influence of progressive thought of Ming and Qing Dynasty , in the Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio Pu Song-ling created a series of female figures who had open characters , free marriage ideas and self-iron personality .

  30. 最引人注目的还是对蒲松龄及其著作(主要是《聊斋志异》)的研究得到了长足发展,并且持续近半个世纪之久,涌现出一批出色的硕儒新进,取得了丰硕的成果。

    The Most important is the research to the PU Song-ling and his work ( Liao Zhai Zhi Yi ) getting a substantial development , keeping about half a century , and appears many outstanding scholars , who obtained plenteous results .