  • cold
  • cool;cold;disheartened;discouraged

  • cool;make or become cool;let cool by air
  • 温度低:~快。~爽。~意。~气。阴~。~丝丝。~亭。荒~。

  • 喻灰心,失望:听到这消息,我~了半截。

  • 中国西晋末年至北魏,各族统治者在西北地区建立的割据政权:五~(前、后、南、北、西)。

  • 放一会儿,使温度降低:把开水~一~再喝。


(冷) cold:

  • 着凉

    catch cold;

  • 乘凉

    enjoy the cool air


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 凉茂

    Liang Mao


(温度低; 冷) cool; cold:

  • 凉茶

    cold tea;

  • 清凉

    clear and cool


(比喻灰心或失望) disheartened; discouraged; disappointed:

  • 心凉了半截

    be greatly disheartened; be disappointed


(使温度降低) cool; make or become cool; let cool by air:

  • 把粥凉一凉

    let the porridge cool off;

  • 让茶泡一会,凉一下再喝。

    Let the tea brew and cool a little before you drink it.

  1. 把上衣扣上,天凉了。

    Do your coat up ; it 's cold .

  2. 水已变凉。

    The water has gone cold .

  3. 他用一张报纸给自己扇凉。

    He fanned himself with a newspaper to cool down .

  4. 预报本周末天气较凉。

    Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend .

  5. 我猛然感到脊背发凉。

    A shiver ran down my spine .

  6. 她一看这乱糟糟的样子,心就凉了。

    She looked despairingly at the mess .

  7. 汤全凉了。

    The soup was stone cold .

  8. 茅草料天生冬暖夏凉。

    Thatch is naturally warm in winter and cool in summer .

  9. 他想要杯不凉不热的茶。

    He likes his tea neither too hot nor too cold

  10. 等蛋糕温热或凉至室温时切成四方块端上桌。

    Serve the cake warm or at room temperature , cut in squares

  11. 咖啡没有动过,吐司已经凉了。

    The coffee was untouched , the toast had cooled

  12. 预报称这周末天气会凉下来。

    There was a forecast of cooler weather toward the end of the week .

  13. 用凉的自来水清洗这些蔬菜。

    Rinse the vegetables under cold running water

  14. 草地扎人,而且很凉。

    The grass was prickly and cold .

  15. 如果给婴儿喝果汁,要用凉开水充分稀释。

    If you give your baby juice , dilute it well with cooled , boiled water

  16. 在等油酥糕饼凉的时候,可以把这些面团擀薄些。

    These doughs can be rolled out while you wait for the pastry to chill .

  17. 他笑了,笑容古怪迷离,叫我后背发凉。

    He smiled , an odd , dreamy smile that sent chills up my back .

  18. 你的饭快凉了。

    Your dinner 's getting cold .

  19. 这菜最好凉着吃。

    This dish is best served cold

  20. 洗澡水开始变凉时我出来了,擦干身子后穿上了衣服。

    When the bath water started to cool I got out , dried myself off , and dressed .

  21. 你需要在那里面加点凉水,这样就会舒服些。注意不要太凉。

    You need a bit of cold water in there to make it comfortable . Not too cold , mind .

  22. 食物常常是表面滚烫,而里面可能还是凉的。

    Often the food may be bubbling and boiling hot on the top , but the inside may still be cold .

  23. 我的茶已经凉了。

    My tea has gone cold .

  24. 馒头凉了,縢一縢吧。

    The steamed buns are cold ; let 's heat them up .

  25. 用碗把菜扣上,免得凉了。

    Cover the food with a bowl to keep it from getting cold .

  26. 让茶泡一会,凉一下再喝。

    Let the tea brew and cool a little before you drink it .

  27. 呀,这水真凉啊!

    Oh , how cool the water is !

  28. 心静自然凉。

    So long as one keeps calm , one doesn 't feel the heat too much .

  29. 开水太烫,拿两个杯子折一折就凉了。

    The water 's boiling hot . Pour it from one cup to another repeatedly to cool it .

  30. 没多久热情就凉下来了。

    The passion cooled down ( or off ) before long .