
  1. 凉皮是陕西关中及陕南地区的传统小吃。

    Cold noodles are a local dish in Southern Shaanxi and Central Shaanxi .

  2. 不过,宁夏大学的李海浪则是通过借贷开了一家专卖凉皮的小店。

    However , Li Hailang of Ningxia University applied for funding for a start-up to sell Liangpi .

  3. 凉皮在中部地区已是名声大燥。陕西凉皮被认为是最完美的消暑午餐或零食。

    Having grown in popularity across the Middle Kingdom , Shaanxi liang pi has established itself as the perfect summer lunch or a snack .

  4. 秦镇凉皮以大米粉为原料。这种大米粉是用产自户县秦镇的大米也叫秦镇大米制作而成。

    Qin town steamed cold noodles made of rice flour as raw material , as produced in the Qin Huxian town , but also Qinzhen rice .

  5. 陕西凉皮品种多样,每一种有每一种的特点,每一种也有每一种的口味。这里仅举几例。

    Shaanxi steamed cold noodles has a wide range of different practices , when mixing characteristics , the tastes are different , here , to cite only a few .

  6. 凉皮吃时放入面筋、豆芽、黄瓜丝等,然后泼上辣子油、酱油、醋、蒜汁等各种调料,拌匀即可食用。

    Cold noodles are served after they are mixed with gluten , bean sprouts , sliced cucumber , chill oil , soy sauce , vinegar , and garlic sauce .

  7. 凉皮一般凉拌着吃,也可以炒着吃。热炒时可以加入肉丝、火腿肠、青菜等。

    Cold noodles are usually served as cold snack . Sometimes , they can be served as a hot snack after they are stir-fried with sliced meat , sausage and greens .