
  • 网络Qingshui;qingshui county
  1. 本研究证实了流行于甘肃省清水县马属动物的一种未知病是由饲料、饮水含硒量过低引起的硒缺乏病。

    An unknown endemic disease of equine in Qingshui County of Gan-su Province in China was studied and confirmed to be Se-deficiency due to low Se content in feeds and water .

  2. 虽然教材中的美术作品很精美,但往往距离学生的生活比较远,这些都阻碍了清水县美术教育事业的发展。

    Although very fine works of art materials , but often far from the students ' life , which impeded the development of the water county art education .

  3. 民间谱牒的历史价值&对清水江下游天柱县的考察

    The Historical and Cultural Value of Civil Genealogy : An Initial Investigation of Tianzhu County Located in Downstream Qingshui River