
  • 网络gulang county
  1. 基于遥感和GIS的古浪县土地利用及荒漠化动态研究

    RS - and GIS-based Study on Dynamics of Landuse and Desertification in Gulang County

  2. 甘肃省古浪县东乡族移民问题调查研究

    An Investigation Study on the Problems of Dongxiang Immigrants in Gulang County , Gansu Province

  3. 古浪县北部荒漠植被主要植物种的生态位特征

    Niche characteristics of main plant species in desert areas of north Gulang County , Gansu Province

  4. 两位基督徒设立一公司把网路服务带到穷困地区如古浪县黄羊川镇等地。

    Two Christians founded a company to bring the internet to poor places like Gulang Countys Yellow Sheep River Town .

  5. 古浪县的荒漠化土地面积占全县总面积的85.94%,存在着较为严重的荒漠化现象,生态环境极其脆弱。

    Gulang County has serious desertification status , eco-environment is instable especially and its area of land desertification has occupied 85.94 % of all .

  6. 古浪县地处干旱半干旱过渡区,土地荒漠化表现为沙质荒漠化、水蚀荒漠化和草场退化3种类型。

    Gulang County stands in intersection of arid and semiarid zone , there are three types of land desertification : sandy desertification , water-eroded desertification and grassland degradation .