
mín zhǔ huà
  • democratize
  • democratization
  1. 言外之意似乎是经济改革和民主化进程是不可能同时进行的。

    The implication seems to be that it is impossible to pursue economic reform and democracy simultaneously

  2. 离开祖国时,他说直到国家完全实现民主化后他才会回来。

    When he left his native country , he said he would not return until it had been fully democratised .

  3. 今年四十多岁的ChaSung-Ju也是从北韩叛逃到韩国的。他是总部设在首尔的北韩民主化委员会的代表。

    Cha Sung-Ju , a North Korean defector in his 40s , represents the Committee for the Democratization of North Korea in Seoul .

  4. MOOC促进了全球的教育民主化进程(只要你连接上了互联网)。

    MOOCs have democratized education globally ( provided you have an Internet connection ) .

  5. Zana是一个虚拟孵化器,而且用她的话来说,它可以“将创业民主化。”

    Zana is a virtual incubator that will , in her words , " democratize entrepreneurship . "

  6. 由于来自爱尔兰女佣家庭,我一直期待着杂役的民主化。到那时,我们就都会成为《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)中的主人,由无人驾驶飞机服侍,通过轻点智能手机来使唤人。

    Coming from a family of Irish maids , I had been looking forward to the concierge democracy , where we could all be masters of Downton Abbey , butled by drones and summoning staff by just touching our smartphones .

  7. 我们要继续致力于推动国际关系民主化。

    We should stay committed to promoting democracy in international relations .

  8. 10年前,非洲被誉为新近出现的民主化成功案例。

    A decade ago Africa was being hailed as democracy 's emerging success story .

  9. 我觉得正是信息民主化促成这这种信息启蒙,

    It 's this democratization of information that I think is an information enlightenment ,

  10. 简直就像司法的民主化。

    This was like the democratization of justice .

  11. 我认为,更合适的说法是民主化。

    I think democratisation is a better description .

  12. 阿拉德表示,在线学位正对学生的人口分布产生民主化影响。

    Prof Allard says online delivery is having a democratising impact on the student demographic .

  13. 因为它是民主化的。

    Because it is now democratized .

  14. 克雷门约克同意,俄罗斯如果要将经济现代化,必须民主化。

    Viktor Kremenyuk agrees his country must democratize , if it is to modernize its economy .

  15. 于我而言,答案只有一个,那就是教育的民主化。

    There is only one explanation to me , and that 's the democratization of education .

  16. 不过,法律和经济现实抑制了澳门的民主化前景。

    The prospects for a democratic Macau , however , are tempered by legal and economic realities .

  17. 是被我称之为的一种“民主化的亲密关系。”

    is something that I would like to call a sort of " democratization of intimacy . "

  18. 追求言外之意似乎是经济改革和民主化进程是不可能同时进行的。

    The implication seems to be that it is impossible to pursue economic reform and democracy simultaneously .

  19. 我们能否从源头上改变财富的创造方式,通过民主化来进行财富创造,

    Could we change the way that wealth gets created in the first place by democratizing wealth creation ,

  20. 也能推动货币革新,突破它的范围限制,程序货币使得货币变得民主化。

    And this pushes innovation in money out to the edges , where it belongs . Programmable money democratizes money .

  21. 缅甸军政府表示,新宪法是沿着民主化路线图向前走了一步。

    The Burmese junta says the new constitution is a step in what the generals say is a roadmap to democracy .

  22. 自那时起,许多经济学家和政治学家就已经在寻找教育和民主化之间因果关系的统计上的证据。

    Since then plenty of economists and political scientists have looked for statistical evidence of a causal link between education and democratisation .

  23. 我们已经进入了信息的民主化,我已经研究这方面很久了。

    So we are moving to this democratization of information , and I 've been in this field for quite a while .

  24. 我们主张维护世界多样性,提倡国际关系民主化和发展模式多样化。

    We stand for maintaining the diversity of the world and are in favor of promoting democracy in international relations and diversifying development models .

  25. 这种联系对之后探讨其他潜在因素有很大的影响,如不同的民主化历程和不同的殖民统治历史。

    This association held strong even after exploring the impact of other potential factors , such as differences in democratisation and histories of colonisation .

  26. 一些人对这些国家抵住民主化压力的新能力表示欢迎,认为这是西方主导的时代走到尽头的标志。

    Some welcome the newfound ability of countries to resist pressure to democratise as a sign that the era of western domination has come to an end .

  27. 是教育促使民主化么?教育使得人们更少愿意忍受对自由的限制,更愿意挑战权威。

    Could it be that education , by making people less willing to put up with restrictions on freedom and more willing to question authority , promotes democratisation ?

  28. 教育机会均等作为教育民主化的一个重要方面,是当今国际教育界普遍关注的课题,也是许多国家教育政策追求的主要目标之一。

    To be fair in education is a key act in constructing the socialism harmonious society , with equal opportunity in education as its core and important principle .

  29. 华盛顿将近50年来一直对古巴制裁,部分原因是试图迫使古巴走向民主化和改善对人权的尊重。

    Washington has enforced the embargo for nearly 50 years , in part to press the Communist nation to move toward democratization and greater respect for human rights .

  30. 早年,设计民主化体现在我们能买到什么,而在今天,则更多的表现在我们能够生产什么,以及以何种形式销售。

    In earlier moments , the democratization of design was about what we could buy . Now it 's about what we can make and how we can sell .