
  • 网络Moscow Conference
  1. 〔2〕指一九四五年十二月苏、美、英三国外长莫斯科会议关于中国问题的协议。

    This refers to the agreement on China reached at the Moscow Conference of the Foreign Ministers of the Soviet Union , the United States and Britain in December 1945 .

  2. 在莫斯科会议公报中,三国外长重申坚持不干涉中国内政的政策;

    In the conference communique the three foreign ministers reaffirmed their adherence to the policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of China .

  3. 莫斯科会议还将为2011年9月19至20日联合国大会预防和控制非传染性疾病问题高级别会议作出贡献。

    The Moscow event will also feed into the19-20 September , 2011 , United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases .

  4. 在莫斯科出席会议后,玻利维亚总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯被迫紧急降落在奥地利。

    Bolivia 's president Evo Morales was forced to make an emergency landing in Austria after attending a conference in Moscow .

  5. 受到莫斯科宇宙学会议的邀请,他回到家乡莫斯科,准备在会议上做演说。他第一次面对同事和无法回答的个人问题。

    An invitation to speak at a Congress on Cosmology in his native Moscow brings him home for the first time to confront colleagues , and unanswered personal questions .

  6. 安理会常任理事国星期二在莫斯科举行会议。安理会还将在下周举行全体会议,听取国际原子能机构就伊朗核项目问题提交的报告。

    Today 's talks in Moscow among the Council members come a week before the full Security Council is to hear a report on Iran from the International Atomic Energy Agency .

  7. 在最近莫斯科举行的波尔塔瓦会议上,俄罗斯科学院的VladimirArtamonov告诉其他历史学家,波尔塔瓦战役使乌克兰免于瑞典入侵者的袭击。

    At a recent Poltava conference in Moscow , Vladimir Artamonov of the Russian Academy of Sciences told fellow historians the battle liberated Ukraine from Swedish invaders .

  8. 我发现哈里·霍普金斯在长途飞行和莫斯科的吃力的会议之后是那样疲惫不堪。

    I found Harry Hopkins much exhausted by his long air journeys and exacting conferences in Moscow .