
  1. 中国民用直升机的应用现状

    The Present Civil Helicopter 's Application in China

  2. 中国民用直升机的发展

    The Development of Civil Helicopter in China

  3. 中航技公司若能有效地实施上述战略,必能在中国民用直升机市场获得良好的发展机会,并在日后的世界民用直升机市场上占有一席之地。

    Taking the strategy mentioned above , CATIC will succeed in the future civil helicopter market .

  4. 民用直升机市场前景预测

    Prediction of Civil Helicopter Market

  5. 民用直升机在中国

    Civil Helicopters in China

  6. 另一方面中航技公司的业务范围不断扩大,经营方式日益多样,尤其在民用直升机市场上面临机遇与挑战并存的局面。

    In the civil helicopter market in particular , CATIC is now facing new challenge together with chance .

  7. 航空咨询公司frost&sullivan表示,由于这个原因,全中国目前只有不到150架民用直升机,美国则有数万架。

    Because of this there are less than 150 helicopters in the whole of China , according to aviation consultancy Frost & Sullivan , compared with tens of thousands in the US .

  8. 文章根据世界直升机发展的现状,针对我国国情,论述了发展民用直升机的战略意义和紧迫性。

    This paper discusses the strategy significance and urgency of the development of civil helicopter on the basis of the present development of helicopter in the world , and especially in connection with China 's actual condition .

  9. 本文第一章描述了世界民用直升机市场的发展现状,包括1991年&2000年的销售量、销售额和机队分布情况,分析了全球主要制造商的实力,并论述了制约民用直升机市场发展的普遍性问题。

    In the first chapter , the global civil helicopter market is depicted based on sales and revenue after 1991 . Chapter 2 focuses on the American market evolvement since 1969 and the reason why it has become the biggest one in the world .

  10. 美国司法部说,当普拉特惠特尼加拿大公司告诉中方因军事用途出口这项技术可能存在困难时,中方抛出一份有关民用直升机项目的简报文件,中国的民用和军用直升机项目在同时开展。

    When Pratt Canada told the Chinese about the potential difficulty with exporting the technology for military use , the Chinese came up with a briefing paper about a civilian helicopter program that was running in parallel with the military one , the Justice Department said .

  11. 日本民用无人直升机RPH-2A

    RPH-2A , A Japanese Civil Unmanned Helicopter

  12. 合成孔径雷达的民用与直升机机载应用

    Application of Civilian SAR with Airborne SAR on the Helicopter