
jié bào
  • Good news;news of victory;report of a success;telegram reporting success
捷报 [jié bào]
  • [news of victory;telegram reporting success] 胜利的消息

  • 喜传捷报

捷报[jié bào]
  1. 胜利捷报传来,人人欣喜若狂。

    People 's joy knew no bounds when the news of victory arrived .

  2. 捷报传来,全国人民无不欢欣鼓舞。

    The good tidings filled the whole nation with joy . ; The good tidings elated the whole nation .

  3. 捷报从四面八方飞过来。

    News of success kept pouring in from all directions .

  4. 最终,库克以足够的坚忍抵挡住挑战,迎来了iPhone又一波增长捷报,以及从乔纳森•艾夫爵士(SirJonathanIve)的设计室诞生的新产品。

    In the end , he stared down the challenge just long enough for the next wave of iPhone growth to hit and new products to emerge from Sir Jonathan Ive 's workshop .

  5. 2500年前,他从马拉松(Marathon)跑到雅典(Athens)传递捷报,力竭而死。

    He ran from Marathon to Athens to deliver the news of the great victory 2500 years ago . No one knows how long it took him to run the distance . But the story tells us that he died in the effort .

  6. 他们听到捷报感到非常兴奋。

    They thrilled at the news of victory .

  7. 随着西班牙捷报传来,荷兰队在本届世界杯中保持的连续25场比赛不败的神话也就此终结。

    With the World Cup victory , Spain snapped the Netherlands ' 25-match unbeaten streak .

  8. 在东园别墅的一道隔扇门上,我们找到了那张捷报。

    We found the poster on a partition door in the Villa of the East Garden .

  9. 农民画《激情青奥会相约金牛湖》、《家庭音乐会》、《捷报》。

    The farmer paintings Jinniu Lake , ready for YOG , Family Concert and Good News .

  10. 捷报在等我们。

    Proud waiting for us .

  11. 中国两家最大的铁路设备制造商从10月底开始就频传捷报。

    China 's two dominant manufacturers of railway equipment were on a roll at the end of October .

  12. 但一家汽车制造商却传来捷报:福特去年获得了自2005年以来的首次利润。

    But one carmaker has good news : Ford reported that it earned a profit last year for the first time since 2005 .

  13. 近年来,许多优秀的恐怖电影不断传来票房捷报,这样便吸引了很多导演纷纷尝试恐怖电影的拍摄。

    In recent years , many good horror movies keep coming with the box office success , this attract a lot of directors turn towards the horror film .

  14. 好消息是,随着“婴儿潮”一代人步入老龄,就在他们最需要的时候,现代医学技术在治疗一些顽疾上不断传来捷报。

    The good news is that medical science keeps gaining ground on the most dreaded conditions just as baby boomers are reaching ages when they need help the most .

  15. 中国竞技体育对四年后北京奥运的策略,以及雅典奥运会对中国体育的提醒等方面进行了分析和总结,以期四年后的北京奥运会再传捷报。

    And analyzed layout of the Chinese sports in the 2009 Olympic Games , the Athen Olympics 's experiences for Beijing Olympics , hope the success again in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing .

  16. 据考证,《罗马公报》最早出现于公元前131年,设及内容相当广泛,包括罗马军事捷报、比赛事项、格斗回合场次、出生喜讯和讣告等,甚至还会写些民众喜欢的故事。

    Acta are believed to have first appeared around 131 B.C. and typically included details of Roman military victories , lists of games and gladiatorial bouts , birth and death notices and even human interest stories .