
  • 网络Office;General Office;executive office;Cabinet Office;General Administrative Office
  1. 国务院办公厅日前印发通知,要求切实做好长江流域禁捕有关工作以及退捕渔民安置保障工作。

    China called for solid efforts to implement the fishing ban in the Yangtze River basin , and ensure the livelihoods of affected fishermen after they bid farewell to nets and boats , according to a circular released by the General Office of the State Council .

  2. 办公厅、公室设主任,在必要的时候可以设副主任。

    A general office shall have a director and , when necessary , deputy directors .

  3. 中宣部办公厅近日印发《关于做好2021年全民阅读工作的通知》。

    China will launch a national reading campaign for 2021 , according to an official circular .

  4. 国务院办公厅日前印发《关于推进对外贸易创新发展的实施意见》,提出创新方式开拓国际市场、优化国内区域布局、增强外贸企业竞争力等九大支持外贸发展新举措。促进外贸创新发展。

    The State Council recently unveiled guidelines on the innovative the domestic layout of foreign trade , and enhancing the competitiveness of foreign trade firms .

  5. 在椭圆办公室参加会晤的还有财政部长提摩西·盖特纳(TimothyGeithner)、国家经济委员会(NationalEconomicCouncil)主任基因·斯珀林(GeneSperling)和白宫办公厅主任比尔·戴利(BillDaley)。

    They were joined in the Oval Office by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner , National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling and White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley .

  6. 郑州市机关信息系统是一个以郑州市委市政府两个办公厅为核心的、基于ATM主干交换网络的、具有Intranet模式的现代化办公系统。

    The Information System of Zhengzhou Municipal Department , an Intranet based on ATM backbone , is a modernistic OA system for the ZhengZhou municipal government and the municipal Party committee .

  7. 白宫办公厅主任威廉•戴利(WilliamDaley)称,在打击恐怖主义方面,巴基斯坦是重要的盟友,但是巴基斯坦的部分行为给了华盛顿采取行动的理由。

    The White House chief of staff Bill Daley said Pakistan was an important ally against terrorism but some of its conduct had given Washington reason to act .

  8. 在中共中央办公厅和国务院办公厅发布的促进大规模部署IPv6的行动计划中,基于IPv6的网络建设被提升为国家战略。

    Building the IPv6-based network was elevated into a national strategy in an action plan for promoting the large-scale deployment of IPv6 issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council .

  9. KhantZaw是隶属于缅甸农业、牲畜及水利部门的农村发展办公厅的主任。

    Khant Zaw is Director General of the Department of Rural Development under Myanmar 's Ministry of Agriculture , Livestock , and Irrigation .

  10. 美国白宫下任办公厅主任拉姆·伊曼纽尔(RahmEmanuel)昨日表示,除了目前的紧急刺激计划,美国当选总统巴拉克·奥巴马(BarackObama)打算推行一套广泛的社会和经济改革计划。

    US President-elect Barack Obama intends to push a comprehensive programme of social and economic reform beyond an immediate emergency stimulus package , Rahm Emanuel , the next White House chief of staff , indicated yesterday .

  11. 在巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)政府成员迄今所说过的话中,最令人难忘的或许来自白宫办公厅主任拉姆伊曼纽尔(RahmEmanuel):你决不想白白浪费掉一场严重的危机。

    Perhaps the most memorable thing said so far by an official in Barack Obama 's administration was the remark by Rahm Emanuel , the White House chief of staff , that you never want a serious crisis to go to waste .

  12. 据英国内阁办公厅去年的报告显示,主理防卫业务的英国BAE系统公司的附属公司Detica给其提供软件助理,Detica在去年投入到英国国内的网络犯罪防范成本惊人,达到270亿英镑,占了GDP的1.8%。

    In a report by Britain 's Cabinet Office last year , Detica , the software arm of BAE Systems , a defence company , put the cost of cybercrime to the country at a staggering £ 27 billion , or 1.8 % of GDP . Businesses bore £

  13. 前总统布什的,白宫办公厅主任。

    Former President George W.Bush 's White House Chief of Staff .

  14. 秘书长、国务大臣或国务卿的全体工作人员或办公厅

    Staff or office of a Secretary-General or of a government Secretary

  15. 副秘书长兼办公厅主任

    " Director , General Office " Under-Secretary-General , Chef de Cabinet

  16. 那些声明立即受到总统办公厅的否认。

    The claims drew an immediate denial from the president 's office .

  17. 他没有一位起控制作用的办公厅主任;

    He does not have a controlling chief of staff ;

  18. 秘书长办公厅主任办公室我喜欢这间长方形的餐厅。

    Office of the Chef de Cabinet I like the long dining room .

  19. 办公厅(口岸规划办公室)

    General Office ( Office of Ports of Entry )

  20. 国家环境保护总局办公厅下发&关于执行汽车污染物排放标准有关问题的通知

    SEPA Issued the Notice on Implementing the Emission Limits for Auto - Pollutants

  21. 办公厅(口岸规划办公室)人口与发展综合规划

    General Office ( Office of Ports of Entry ) Integrated Population and Development Planning

  22. 办公厅(口岸规划办公室)总部安全理事会会议厅

    General Office ( Office of Ports of Entry ) Security Council Chamber at Headquarters

  23. 部长会议办公厅主任

    Director at the Council of Ministers ' Office

  24. 他们改组了办公厅,以图节省劳务开支。

    They 've reorganized the office in an attempt to save on labour costs .

  25. 卫生部办公厅关于进一步做好传染性非典型肺炎医院感染管理工作的紧急通知

    Emergent notice from the Ministry of Health for improving management of hospital infection with SARS

  26. 迈克是罗尼的办公厅主任,也是我们家的至交。

    Mike was Ronnie 's deputy chief of staff , and a close family friend .

  27. 本文作者是奥巴马总统的白宫办公厅主任,以前曾担任美国商务部长

    The writer is chief of staff to President Barack Obama and a former commerce secretary

  28. 经济影响和差异办公厅

    Office of Economic Impact and Diversity

  29. 国务院办公厅关于在外留学人员有关问题的通知

    Circular of the General Office of the State Council Concerning Matters Relating to Students Studying Abroad

  30. 甘肃省政府办公厅电子政务建设问题、对策及启示

    Problems , Strategies and Inspirations of E-government Construction of the General Office of Gansu Provincial Government