
  • 网络Heshun Town
  1. 云南和顺镇旅游规划中的社区参与研究

    Research on the Community Participation in Tourism Planning in Heshun Town of Yunnan Province

  2. 社区参与旅游规划与开发研究&以云南腾冲县和顺镇为例

    Study on community participation tourism planning & A case of Tengchong

  3. 以文化为先导推进社会主义新农村建设&以腾冲县和顺镇为例

    On Culture in Building Socialist New Villages

  4. 云南省保山市和顺镇以规划为龙头在保护框架内开发旅游资源

    Bao Shan City and Shun Gu Town of Yunnan Province : Giving Planning the Leading Role to reasonably develop and preserve tourism resources