
  • 网络Yunlong County;Yunlong Comt
  1. 2008年云南省云龙县暴发风疹疫情分析

    Epidemic analysis on a rubella outbreak in Yunlong county of Yunnan province , 2008

  2. 云龙县18岁以上农村居民膳食营养状况调查

    Survey of nutrition status in residents age over 18-years in rural areas in Yunlong County

  3. 云南省云龙县金竹林村泉水、岩石粉及其浸泡液多种元素分析

    Analysis of Inorganic Elements in Spring Water , Rock Powder and Its Soaking Solution from a Yunnan Village

  4. 大理州云龙县天保工程社会评价研究

    An Appraisal of Social Influence on the Yunlong County in Dali State by the Natural Forest Protection Project

  5. 云龙县的冬季市场,老黄和儿子赶到集市上挑选制作火腿的猪肉,火腿的腌制在老屋的院子里开始。

    In the market of Yunlong county in winter , Lao Huang and his son rushed to pick up the pork to make the ham . The pickle of ham began in the yard of old house .