
  • 网络Yunnan University of Finance and Economics
  1. 高等院校农民工状况实证分析&以云南财经大学为例

    Empirical Analysis on the Status Quo of Peasant & workers in Colleges and Universities : An Example of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics

  2. 摘要在云南财经大学发展过程中,学校领导体制经历了多次变化。

    Several changes on leading mechanism have happened in the development history of Yunan University of Finance and economics .

  3. 云南财经大学商学院营销和物流专业的专业课双语教学已开设近四年。

    The bilingual eduction of marketing and logistics in Business school of finance and economics university of Yunnan ( BSFEUY ) has already been offered for nearly 4 years .

  4. 位于该省省会昆明市的云南财经大学,于9月1日举行了开学典礼,体育部主任朱海营宣布了这些对4000余名大一学生的新要求。

    The Yunnan University of Finance and Economic in the provincial capital Kunming held its opening ceremony on Sept. 1 when Sports Director Zhu Haiying announced the new requirements to over 4000 first-year students .