
  • 网络President of the European Council;Herman Van Rompuy;European Council
  1. 布莱尔深知其中道理,因此在问及他是否想成为第一个全欧洲理事会主席的时候,总是闪烁其辞。

    Tony Blair has accordingly been coy about whether he wants to become the first full-time president of the European Council .

  2. 但有些成员国担心欧盟继续扩大,代价会更加高昂,因此表示反对。尽管如此,欧洲理事会主席范龙佩还是对这项计划表示欢迎。

    The President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy has welcomed the initiative , despite opposition from some member states who are concerned about the costs of further enlargement .

  3. 欧洲理事会主席查尔斯·米歇尔称,这项协议表明了欧洲领导人对共同未来的信念。

    European Council President Charles Michel said the agreement shows European leaders ' belief in their common future .

  4. 今天,欧盟委员会主席乌苏拉·冯德莱恩和欧洲理事会主席查尔斯·米歇尔将在布鲁塞尔签署该协议。

    European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel will sign the deal today in Brussels .

  5. 欧洲理事会主席唐纳德·图斯克曾警告称,英国退出欧盟将会严重威胁“西方政治文明”。

    European Council President Donald Tusk warned that Britain leaving the European Union could seriously threaten " Western political civilization . "

  6. 欧洲理事会主席范龙佩于2011年开通微博,已有300万余粉丝。

    European Council President Herman Van Rompuy , who opened a weibo account in 2011 , has more than 3 million followers .

  7. 欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩本周早些时候执行隔离,而欧洲理事会主席夏尔·米歇尔上月末也进行了自我隔离。

    European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen went into quarantine earlier this week , while European Council President Charles Michel also self-isolated late last month .

  8. 欧洲理事会主席赫尔曼·范龙佩表示,一系列新的制裁措施已经获得通过,但是实施计划要推迟几天。

    The EU council president Herman Van Rompuy says a new package of sanction has been adopted but the implementation will be put off for a few days .

  9. 欧洲理事会主席查尔斯·米歇尔呼吁土耳其尊重2016年与欧盟达成的协议,在该协议中,土耳其同意限制移民流入欧洲,以换取数十亿欧元的援助。

    European Council President Charles Michel has called on Turkey to respect a 2016 deal with the European Union in which it agreed to contain the flow of migrants to Europe in exchange for billions of euros in aid .

  10. 范龙佩先生作为首任欧洲理事会主席首次访华,与中方就结合中国十二五规划和欧洲2020战略推动中欧合作发展达成重要共识。

    This year , President Van Rompuy of the European Council paid his first official visit to China , where the two sides reached important agreements on furthering our cooperation through coordinating China 's 12th Five Year Plan and Europe 's 2020 Strategy .

  11. 欧洲理事会主席和欧盟委员会主席表示,欧方愿加强与中国在疫苗研发方面的合作,愿扩大双边贸易,愿意与中国达成投资协议。

    The heads of the European Council and the European Commission voiced willingness to strengthen cooperation with China on vaccine research and development , saying their bloc is ready to expand bilateral trade and is willing to reach an investment agreement with China .

  12. 人们希望欧洲理事会主席范龙佩召集欧盟各国领导人举行讨论经济增长问题的工作晚餐,并寄望于奥朗德能够缓解欧元区部分国家面临经济衰退崩溃和大规模失业的局势。

    Herman Van Rompuy , President of the European Council , is expected to summon European Union leaders to a dinner to discuss growth . With parts of the euro zone crushed by recession and mass unemployment , many now look to Mr Hollande for relief .

  13. 目前担任欧洲理事会轮值主席的斯洛文尼亚总理在这次峰会期间代表欧盟27个成员国。

    The prime minister of Slovenia , which currently holds the revolving presidency of the European Council , represented the 27 EU members at the summit .

  14. 9月1日,俱乐部主席团成员会议。欧洲共同体部长理事会主席

    On Sep 1st , we held a meeting attended only by presidium . President of the Council of Ministers of the European Communities