
  • 网络Europeanizing architecture
  1. 通过本文研究所得到的优化配置模式和理论数据,可为今后哈尔滨市欧式建筑周围的植物景观设计工作提供理论依据和技术参考。

    The finely disposing patterns and theoretical data got from the studies in this thesis can provide theoretical basis and technological references for the floral disposing designs around the Europeanizing architecture in Harbin .

  2. 我走在石街上,拍下了欧式建筑的照片,并在那里听说了一些故事。

    I walked along the stone streets , took pictures of the European-style buildings , and learned some stories there .

  3. 论欧式建筑的装饰性与审美性

    Discussion of Decorative and Aesthetic Nature of European Architecture

  4. 三幢欧式建筑在两座花园的衬托下尽显高贵典雅之气。

    Set off by two gardens , the three European style building look elegant and magnificent .

  5. 欧式建筑构件的做法研究构件式遥感信息处理系统的设计

    RESEARCH OF CONSTRUCTION MEMBER MANUFACTURE OF EUROPEAN STYLE BUILDING The Component Based Architecture of Remote Sensing Information Process System

  6. 宽阔的林荫大道和欧式建筑见证着历史,高耸入云的摩天大厦预示着未来。

    The broad , tree-lined boulevards and European architecture are witness to its past , the glass-walled towers that soar skywards a portent of its future .

  7. 经过几千年文化精华积淀而成的欧式建筑,是现代建筑之中的精美艺术典范,其发展趋势可谓是蓬勃向前,市场前景也极其广阔。

    After thousands of years ' development , the European architecture is the elegant art model of modern architecture , develops well and has a extremely broad prospect .

  8. 在长春园北端的欧式建筑看上去像被墙垣和山丘藏于一角,在中式建筑群遮掩下,只有从远处才看得见高高的屋顶。

    The European buildings at the northern end of the Eternal Spring Garden would seem to be hidden from the Chinese architectural structures by walls and hills , with only tall roofs visible from distance .

  9. 介绍大连中山广场十大欧式建筑外立面照明设计思想、设计方案、照明方式、灯具、光源的选择,以及布灯思路、照明控制方式等。

    Lighting system design of external facade of ten European style buildings in Dalian Zhongshan Square are introduced , i.e.lighting design thoughts , design plan , lighting way , selection of luminaire and source , and luminaire arrangement thoughts and control way etc.

  10. 在中国,“欧式建筑是有极大象征意义的,”(对于一些历史古城的确如此,比如在天津你就能看见象征着天津古老历史的马拉车铜像之类的东西。)

    In China , " European architecture is largely symbolized , " he observes . ( This is especially true in historic cities like Tianjin , where Liu observed that " you see a lot of carriages being pulled by horses [ and ] that sort of thing " ) .

  11. 欧式的建筑透露出历史的痕迹。

    The dark Euro style building shows its history .

  12. 十楼写字楼大堂:大堂中空8米,国际先进中空花园式设计,配备约3000平方米欧式园林建筑超大花园;

    Office building lobby at10th floor : The lobby is8 meters tall . A world-advanced super-large sky garden of European style covering3000sqm is designed .

  13. 欧式古典建筑夜景观照明设计有其自身的艺术规律,勃兰登堡门照明工程为人们提供了又一个值得思考、借鉴的范例。

    The landscape lighting design to classical Europe building follows some artistic rule . The lighting project of Brandenburg Gate is taken as a good example to evaluate .

  14. 上海,一座无需太多介绍的著名城市,林立的摩天大楼,扬子江畔古老的欧式石头建筑,今年又特别引人注目。第41届世界博览会正在上海举行。

    Shanghai , a famous city needs no further introduction , with its numerous modern skyscrapers and its old stone buildings along the Yangtze River , is hosting the41st World Expo .

  15. 它是建在丛林深谷中的泰欧式结合的建筑,每年雨季皇太后都要在这里居住一段时间。

    It is built deep in the jungle in Thailand and Europe-with the construction , the annual rainy season Empress Dowager have lived here for some time .

  16. 在世界博览广场的另一侧,成排欧式风格的建筑里分布着一家家高档餐厅和酒吧,门前停着许多挂红字车牌的豪华轿车。

    On the other side of the World Expo Center , rows of faux European buildings house upmarket restaurants and bars . Many of the cars out front are limousines with red characters on their licence plates , indicating use by government officials .

  17. 它的主楼,是一座两层的欧式古典石建筑,典雅庄重,两侧各有一座两层石建筑,相峙而立,中间是一个宽敞的矩形庭院,宫内一共有369间大小不等的厅室。

    Its main building , quite handsome and graceful , is a two-story classical stone architecture of European style , flankedby two side buildings facing each other and with an extensiverectangular courtyard in the middle . There are altogether 369 halls androoms of different size .

  18. 二战后,殖民者走了,他们的数千座欧式、日式的建筑却被留了下来。

    After World War II , the colonists abandoned the city , leaving thousands of European and Japanese-style buildings .

  19. 浓缩近代历史文化的名人故居;具有典型欧式风格的各国建筑,形成了中西合壁的特色。许多知名人士都被认为具有自己的特殊风格。

    Of the concentrated modern history culture the person is past to reside ; All countries building had European style of typical model , become the special features of the Chinese and Western combined .