
  • 网络Eurasia Steppes;eurasian steppe
  1. 早期斯基泰文化及欧亚草原的动物纹起源问题的探讨从《斯基泰伊朗动物纹风格的起源》一文谈起

    A Study on the Early Scythian Culture and the Origins of Animal-Style Art in the Eurasian Steppes

  2. 欧亚草原是位于北纬50度左右的横贯欧亚大陆北部的狭长草原带,在地形地貌上形成连接欧亚大陆东西方的自然通道。

    Eurasian steppes is located at latitude 50 degrees north of the strip of the Trans-Eurasia steppe zone , to form connections in the topography of natural channel and Western Eurasia .

  3. 内陆欧亚草原地带是人类文明的故乡。

    The interior Europe and Asia prairie region is the human civilization hometown .

  4. 碰撞与迁徙:公元前九至七世纪欧亚草原上的历史场景

    The Clash and Migration on the 9 - 7 Century BC European-Asian Grassland

  5. 论欧亚草原上的通古斯族

    The Tungusians on the Eurasian grassland

  6. 欧亚草原带的东起点位于我国吉林省西部的羊草草原,温度和降水条件较典型草原带好,草地植被生产能力更高。

    Leymus chinensis grassland in the west of JiLin Province is the eastern beginning of European-Asian grassland zone .

  7. 上古时期的欧亚草原地带居住着一系列现已消亡的古代民族。

    In the primitive ages there lived on the European-Asian grassland a number of ancient tribes which already disappeared nowadays .

  8. 所以柴达木盆地在植被区划上应当是欧亚草原区青藏高原高寒草原亚区的一个下属分区单位。

    Since then Chaidam Basin ought to belong to the subregion of cold steppe of Qing-Zang plateau in the Eurasia steppe region .

  9. 目前学者们比较认同欧亚草原上游牧经济在这一时期兴起,而一种带有特殊附加堆纹的陶器就在这样的地理和环境的变化之下出现在欧亚草原各处。

    Comparison of current scholars agree on the Eurasian steppe nomads rise of the economy during this period , while the vertical bands such device is the geographical and environmental change under the various parts in the Eurasian steppe .

  10. 特殊的垂带纹器,从公元前2千纪之后出现在欧亚草原的西部,辗转近3千年,在公元10世纪左右来到了欧亚草原草原东部的黑龙江流域。

    Vertical bands of special devices , from BC , after two millennium and the Eurasian steppe in the west and , after nearly three years , in the 10th century to the Eurasian steppe grassland around the eastern Heilongjiang River .

  11. 一些民族几乎把这种掠夺当成了一种职业:罗马共和国便是一个例子;在成吉思汗(GenghisKhan)及其继承人领导下攀上成功顶峰的欧亚大草原游牧民族则是另一个例证。

    Some peoples made almost a business out of such plunder : the Roman republic was one example ; the nomads of the Eurasian steppes , who reached their apogee of success under Genghis Khan and his successors , were another .

  12. 以黄金作为装饰物,是欧亚大陆草原具有相同或相近生产生活方式的民族在装饰上的一个共同特征。

    Different ethnic groups from the Eurasia steppe shared a common custom of making and wearing gold ornaments .

  13. 中国北方位于欧亚大草原东端,自古以来便存在着一条以蒙古高原为中心的草原游牧文化带。

    Located in northern China Eurasian prairie eastern , since the ancient times and there existed a Mongolian plateau in the nomadic culture for the center with grassland .

  14. 羊草草原是欧亚大陆草原区东部的特有群系,是我国草原带分布面积很广的草原群系之一,并且是经济利用价值最高的草原类型。

    Leymus chinensis steppe is a distinctive formation in the east of Eurasia steppe region , and has a extensive distribution in the steppe region of China . This steppe is one of types with high utilization value .