- 网络comparative grammar

Bopp : German philologist whose Comparative Grammar ( 1833-1852 ) illustrated the similarities among Indo-European languages .
His research interests lie primarily in Chinese syntax , theoretical approaches to the study of Chinese dialects , and comparative grammar .
English-French Comparison Grammar and Its Application in the Teaching of French as a Second Foreign Language
The Selection and Arrangement of Grammatical Items concerning Comparative Sentences
Secondly , it makes statistics , descriptions , comparative study to dis-cuss the grammatical forms and the special syntax phenomenon .
In this paper , grammar is divided into regular and irregular phenomena and modern grammar teaching is differentiated from traditional grammar-translation approach .
The main grammar points we compared include : sentential form , contrastive item , ellipsis , contrastive result item , contrastive point , and negative form .
As college students are familiar with the grammatical and lexical cohesion , the thesis focuses on elaborating the guiding effect of thematic structure and information structure to coherence teaching .
In this paper , the author briefly reflects upon and compares the different classifications of English nouns by typical western and Chinese grammarians , and proposes a unique Chinese version of the English phrase & Material Noun .
The Snort intrusion detection system is an open and free source because of its ability to adapt a variety of operating systems relatively low hardware requirements , simple syntax and more timely updates . So Snort is a worldwide popular intrusion detection system .
Nominal adverbial is an especial grammatical phenomenon in Modern Chinese language .
Ambiguity is a common phenomenon in grammar .
The grammatical ambiguity refers to a sentence open to an interpretation of several different presuppositions .
The technology of semantic analysis in MT is far from satisfying compared with the technology of syntactic processing .
A Comparative Study between Japanese Compound Auxiliary Words Derived from Verbs and Chinese Prepositions & In the Perspective of Grammaticalization
Through quantitative analysis , the occurrence and frequency of the interpersonal metaphors in this corpus are counted and compared .
Chinese Directional Complements are grammar is very important , but also more difficult grammar point , usually the students understand there will be difficulties .
Five approaches stand out in the literature : the grammatical approach , the sociolinguistic approach , the psycholinguistic approach , the conversation analysis approach , and the pragmatic approach .
English Infinitive Form of Verb and Chinese Both Subject and Object Construction : towards a Generative Analysis ; Semantic Study on English Caused-Motion Sentences within the Framework of Construction Grammar
There is no the corresponding grammar points in English , Korean and Chinese , so many students who are learning Chinese think that the complement especially the compound directional complement is hard to master .
This paper studies the characteristics of sentences in international economic trade contracts in English on basis of comparison between the English language and the Chinese language focusing on grammar , rhetoric , structure and logic , and introduces some methods and skills in translating these contracts .
First we analyze their own grammatical meanings , and then compare the three meanings together .
The Chinese comparative sentences belonging to one of a large amount of complex grammar in Chinese grammar .
This article proves from the grammatical meaning and the glossary significance embarks the research grammatical form possibility .
Comparative sentences in Chinese grammar are key , but also very difficult , especially difficult for foreign learners .
The nature of the grammatical comparison of related languages and that of non - related languages is different in terms of methodology and requisition .
This paper points out several obviously grammatical error phenomenon caused by the interference of Thai language in Chinese life in Thailand , such as the mistaken use of measure word and negative word , post attribute and post adverbial , etc.
From Comparison to Degree : Analysis on the Grammaticalization of Adverbs of Degree " Xiangdang " and " Bijiao "