
  • 网络bihar;bihar state
  1. 联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)称,在印度比哈尔邦,尚未消退的洪水对约1100万人造成严重威胁,其中包括150万名儿童。

    In Bihar , stagnant water posed a serious threat to about 11m people , including 1.5m young children , said Unicef , the United Nations Children 's Fund .

  2. 在普尼塔与丈夫家人居住的这个比哈尔邦(Bihar)东部的小村子里,妇女都要蒙面,且大都足不出户。

    In the village where Ms. Devi lives in eastern Bihar state with her husband 's family , women are kept veiled and largely secluded .

  3. 他们找到了最贫困的北方邦(UttarPradesh)地区和比哈尔邦(Bihar)偏远的戈西河地区(KosiRiver)——一个经常遭受洪水,没有路可走也不通电的地区——的孩子们。

    They found children in the poorest areas of Uttar Pradesh and in the remote Kosi River area of Bihar -- an area with no electricity that is often flooded and unreachable by roads .

  4. 他们找到了最贫困的北方邦(UttarPradesh)地区和比哈尔邦(Bihar)偏远的戈西河地区(KosiRiver)一个经常遭受洪水,没有路可走也不通电的地区的孩子们。

    They found children in the poorest areas of Uttar Pradesh and in the remote Kosi River area of Bihar & an area with no electricity that is often flooded and unreachable by roads .

  5. 印度国会本周将审议一项允许外国合作者协助重建这座佛学中心的法案。相关计划是在原大学的红砖建筑遗址附近重建,距离比哈尔邦首府巴特那(Patna)55英里。

    India 's parliament will this week consider legislation allowing foreign partners to help recreate the ancient Buddhist centre of learning close to the red-brick ruins of the original university , 55 miles from Patna , Bihar 's capital .

  6. 而且这个问题并不仅限于Kusaha的溃堤地点&比哈尔邦的中游和下游三角洲的戈西河的新河道的位置是完全不确定的。

    And the problem is no longer just the breach site at Kusaha & it is totally uncertain where the new Kosi channel will be in the middle and lower delta in Bihar .

  7. 求你了,中国,拿走比哈尔邦,我们就把阿鲁恰尔免费给你!

    Please China take Bihar We will give you Arunachal absolutely free !

  8. 夜幕降临时,比哈尔邦大多数地方都会陷入黑暗。

    When night falls in Bihar , much of it goes black .

  9. 比哈尔邦很难吸引私人投资。

    Private investment is very hard to come by .

  10. 而可以肯定,比哈尔邦的经济增长率高于全国的数字。

    Bihar almost certainly did much better than that .

  11. 我很高兴,那么久之后终于能听到点关于比哈尔邦不一样的消息了。

    I am pleased to hear something different about Bihar after a long time .

  12. 他们的主要中心是西印度的拉贾斯坦邦和加雅附近的比哈尔邦。

    Their major centers are in Rajasthan in Western India and near Gaya in Bihar .

  13. 他们可能会通过向毛主义分子派发枪支来觊觎比哈尔邦。

    They may be eyeing on Bihar via maoists with guns supplied by them clandestaneously .

  14. 比哈尔邦是成功的。

    Bihar is a success .

  15. 在比哈尔邦,曙光已刺破黑暗,尽管光线还十分微弱。

    In Bihar , that darkness has been pierced even if only by the thinnest of beams .

  16. 但比哈尔邦正在发生变化。

    But Bihar is turning .

  17. 从比哈尔邦可以得出这样的经验:在实现基本治理的情况下,“自下而上的发展模式”就能够奏效。

    The lesson of Bihar is that bottom-up growth can work when basic standards of governance are achieved .

  18. 2007年底以来,国际复兴开发银行通过比哈尔邦发展政策贷款/信贷支持邦政府实施了为期两年的改革项目。

    Beginning in2007 , IBRD supported Bihar ' s2-year-old reform program through the Bihar Development Policy Loan / Credit .

  19. 在印度最贫穷的比哈尔邦,一个班可能有多达92名学生。

    A class in Bihar , one of the poorest states , can have as many as 92 pupils .

  20. 印度比哈尔邦北部13个地区的1000多个村庄受到洪灾影响,造成大量人口无家可归。

    Flooding has affected more than 1000 villages in 13 districts of north Bihar . This has caused large-scale displacement .

  21. 这个自然过程产生了一个巨大的内陆三角洲,它从尼泊尔南部延伸到印度的比哈尔邦。

    This natural process produced the large inland delta that lies across southern Nepal and the Indian state of Bihar .

  22. 位于比哈尔邦,是与佛陀生平有关的四大圣地之一。

    In the state of Bihar , this is one of four holy places linked to the life of Buddha .

  23. 考试作弊在印度比哈尔邦相当普遍,但这次被发现的作弊人数之多是前所未有的.

    Cheating in exams is fairly common in Bihar , but the number of students caught this time is unprecedented 。

  24. 上周日在比哈尔邦法庭提交的控告书上指出,厨师在给学生做午餐过程中误用了此农药。

    The charge sheet filed in a court in Bihar state on Sunday said the chef cooked with it by mistake .

  25. 联合国儿童基金会迅速行动,及时向遭受50年不遇的洪灾的印度比哈尔邦提供援助。

    The U.N.Children 's Fund is springing into action with aid as India 's Bihar State faces the worst floods in50 years .

  26. 印度人民党总理候选人纳伦德拉·莫迪计划在比哈尔邦首府巴特那市举行竞选集会。

    The BJP 's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi is to hold a campaign rally in Patna , the state capital of Bihar .

  27. 比哈尔邦是印度最贫困的省邦之一,识字率仅为64%,属于全国最低水平。

    Bihar is one of India 's poorest states with a 64 % literacy rate , one of the lowest in the country .

  28. 1934年的大地震在尼泊尔和印度北部的比哈尔邦造成了巨大的破坏;2001年发生在印度古吉拉特邦的地震则使两万人遇难。

    A 1934 earthquake caused immense damage in Nepal and Bihar in northern India , and 20,000 died in the Gujarat earthquake of 2001 .

  29. 龙卷风的风速高达每小时120公里;在西孟加拉邦和比哈尔邦,龙卷风摧毁了供电和电话线路,把树连根拔起。

    The cyclone packed winds of up to120 kilometers an hour , destroying power and telephone lines and uprooting trees in Bihar and West Bengal .

  30. 喂喂,你搞错我的意思了,我是说,如果中国帮助比哈尔邦发展,那印度就能与中国讨论阿鲁恰尔的问题。

    Hey you got me absolutely wrong What I meant to say that if China helps Bihar to develop India may discuss arunachal with China .