
zhuāng pèi
  • assemble;fit together;fit out;fabricate;rig
装配 [zhuāng pèi]
  • [assemble;fit together] 把不同的部件组合成一可以操作的整体

装配[zhuāng pèi]
  1. 搁架容易装配。

    The shelves are easy to assemble .

  2. 装配汽车的工人们工作节奏很快。

    The people who assemble cars work very quickly .

  3. 组装书橱应该是个简单的装配活。

    Putting the bookcase together should be a simple assembly job .

  4. 然后汽车的各种部件便用螺栓装配在一起。

    The various parts of the car are then bolted together .

  5. 该系统已装配好,但需要一些细小调整。

    The system is set up but it needs some fine-tuning .

  6. 他用废弃的汽车零件重新装配了发动机。

    He rebuilt the engine using parts from cars that had been scrapped .

  7. 送到时是一套盒装组合家具,再就地装配起来。

    It arrives as a flat pack and is bolted together on site .

  8. 这辆车装配了自动变速器。

    The car was fitted with automatic transmission .

  9. 直升机已经更新换代,装配了现代化设备。

    Helicopters have been upgraded and modernized

  10. 这些部件装配不起来。

    These parts don 't fit together .

  11. 有关装配的说明印在卡片上。

    Directions about putting the parts together are printed on the card .

  12. 他一块一块地装配飞机模型。

    He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit .

  13. 每个零件在装配前都经过仔细检查。

    Each component is carefully checked before assembly .

  14. 福特T型车是一个世纪前在密歇根州皮奎特工厂制造的,1908年9月27日,第一辆福特T型车在装配线上下线。

    The Model T Ford was built at the Piquette Plant in Michigan a century ago , with the first rolling off the assembly line on September 27 , 1908 .

  15. 在进入一个很深的岩洞之前,光是装配绳梯和建立供应基地就需要八天之久。(makeadescent下降)来自《用法词典》

    It can take as long as eight days to rig up rope ladders and to establish supply bases before a descent can be made into a very deep cave .

  16. 装配线上的工人

    workers on the assembly line

  17. Internet驱动的产品协同装配理论和技术研究

    Theory and Technical Research of Internet-enabled Collaborative Product Assembly

  18. 用二维拼装方法实现机械装配图CAD的技术策略

    Technology strategy of machinery assembly drawing CAD by two dimensional way

  19. 非同步装配线的PLC控制系统的改造

    Reformation of PLC Control System to the non-Synchronous Assembly Line

  20. PCB装配调度问题是一个Jobshop调度问题。

    The PCB assembly scheduling problem is a Job Shop scheduling problem .

  21. 部件级装配图CAD的探讨

    Study on Parts Assembly Drawing in CAD

  22. 基于XML的CAD装配模型数据交换

    XML-based CAD Assembly Model Data Exchange

  23. 在装配图编辑器画布的空白区域单击右键,选择ShowTransactionHighlighting。

    Right-click any empty area on the assembly editor canvas and select Show Transaction Highlighting .

  24. 研究了精密零件装配的基准信息链模型与基于该模型的3D偏差累积计算方法。

    The datum flow chain model was researched and 3D variation buildup was calculated based on the model .

  25. 按需装配Agent是一种能够在运行过程中根据系统当时的需求,动态地加载相应功能构件,更好地完成任务的Agent。

    Assemble-on-Demand Agent is a kind of Agent , which can load the corresponding function component dynamically on demand in completing the task .

  26. 面向产品的CAPP装配工艺决策

    The Assembly Process Decision of CAPP for the Product

  27. RFID技术在生产装配车间中的应用

    Application of RFID in Workshops of Distribution

  28. 现行的CAD系统能较好地处理复杂的零件图,但在装配图的设计方面,却显得薄弱无力,缺乏完善、可靠的装配建模工具。

    Current CAD systems are good at dealing with complicated part drawings , but are week in the design of assembly drawings .

  29. 通过可视化编程工具VISUALBASIC6.0对三维绘图软件SolidWorks2006进行二次开发,软件实现膨胀节自动建模、自动装配、自动出工程图功能。

    The software realizes that products automatically modeling , automatically assembly and automatically creating engineering drawing by redeveloping of SolidWorks 2006 in Visual Basic 6.0 .

  30. 装配业务解决方案中涉及的各种流程和服务是架构师的任务,并且可在RationalSoftwareArchitect中执行该任务。

    Assembling the processes and services involved in the business solution is an architect 's task , to be performed in Rational Software Architect .