
  • 网络decoration design
  1. 通过对银行装修设计特点的介绍,论述了二十一世纪的现代银行企业发展特征对装修优化设计的要求:通过实施CⅠ工程标准,强化了规范化管理,增强了设计实施的力度。

    This paper introduces the characteristics of bank decoration design , states the decoration optimum design demands of modern bank enterprise in 21 century . It also strengthening standardized management and improving design level through the performing of CI engineering standards .

  2. 本文笔者结合参与P3实验室工程设计和施工的经验,着重对实验室平面建筑布局、空调系统以及室内装修设计等内容的设计原则进行了简单归纳。

    The principle of the layout , clean air conditioning system , electricity distribution and indoor decoration design of P3 laboratory is discussed briefly in the paper , based on authors'experience from engaging in the work .

  3. 广州地铁三号线控制指挥中心装修设计体会

    Experiences of The Decoration Design of Guangzhou No.3 Railway Control Center

  4. 北京地铁13号线车站装修设计回顾

    Review of the Station Decoration Design of Beijing Metro Line 13

  5. 北京某金融中心项目暖通空调装修设计简介

    Summary of HVAC Design for a Financial Center Project in Beijing

  6. 浅谈住宅建筑设计与内装修设计的统一

    On the unity between residential architectural design and internal decoration design

  7. 建筑内部装修设计防火规范

    Code for fire prevention design of interior decoration of buildings

  8. 老年人住宅室内装修设计要点

    Main Points of Interior Decoration Design for the Aged Housing

  9. 这就是酒店装修设计的发展第一个趋势。

    The first trend is the decoration of the hotel .

  10. 前提与保证&浅谈现代室内装修设计与施工的关系

    Precondition Guarantee Elementary introduction for the relationship between modern upholstery design and construction

  11. 建筑室内装饰装修设计中的绿色环保设计

    The green environmental protection design on interior decoration

  12. 家具与陈设是内檐装修设计中最主要的设计要点。

    Furniture and furnishings " inner decoration design in " the main design points .

  13. 装修设计行业样板房装饰、设计方案展示;

    The real estate industry model for the decoration , sales offices , displaying gifts ;

  14. 而女厕所休息区则恰恰相反,是非常阳刚的装修设计。

    The powder room rest area , by contrast , is a very masculine decoration .

  15. 关于家庭装修设计的断想

    Some Ideas about Family Decoration and Design

  16. 基于虚拟现实的建筑装修设计与管理系统

    Virtual reality-based CAD system for home decoration

  17. 他说贵公司拟从今年的大学毕业生中招聘几名室内装修设计人员。

    He told me that you are seeking some designers of inner decoration from college graduates .

  18. 论家庭装饰装修设计

    On Decoration Design for Residence

  19. 建设企业管理软件、工程预算软件、各专业设计软件、装修设计软件等;

    Construction management software , engineering budget software , all professional design software , decorating design software .

  20. 浅谈室内装修设计

    Discuss Indoor Decoration Design

  21. 所以在酒店的装修设计中应该把酒店软装和酒店的家具统一化起来。

    So in the hotel decoration design should be to the hotel 's soft and hotel furniture unification .

  22. 室内装修设计时,考虑室内空间承载量和通风量,以降低室内甲醛含量;

    A good design which consider the space and ventilation is also help to reduce the mount of formaldehyde ;

  23. 拟订方案:设计师根据顾客的意向初步拟定装修设计方案。

    Work out the scheme : The designer makes a first step decoration plan according to the customer 's purpose .

  24. 如此一来,你既能领略到新潮的装修设计和科技装置,公司的财务部门也会对其低廉的房价喜笑颜开。

    You 'll appreciate the new design and gadgets , while the accounting department will be pleased by the price .

  25. 可以预见,星汇必将以其强大的商业运营实力和领先的服务理念,开启奢华家居进入装修设计领域的新篇章。

    It can be predicted that Starwood will certainly open the door of fitment design and lead luxurious furniture into this field .

  26. 前者通过装修设计、器皿物什、企业识别系统的物质载体等要素实现;

    The former one can be realized by utilizing material factors , such as household utensils , recognizing system , designing and so on .

  27. 在这一部分,本文还尝试了不同纹理效果的处理,为室内装修设计时对不同材料的选择提供了便利。

    Moreover we take some measures to deal with the effect of different material textures , which makes the choosing of material in interior decoration more convenient .

  28. 仙踪林密切关注环境及服务的标准,舒适轻松、富现代感的装修设计成仙踪林演绎现代饮茶文化的必备元素。

    The quality of comfortable , relax and contemporary shop design and decor is an essential part of the total " RBT " modern tea culture experience .

  29. 系统能有效提高装修设计的效率和质量,同时为设计方案比选和施工方案制定提供便利。

    It can benefit the efficiency and quality improvements of home decoration design , and provides convenience for the selection of design alternatives and the development of construction schemes .

  30. 据悉,这次星汇公司推出的新的服务方式和内容,包括了风格设计、装修设计、施工管理、家具配置、系统软装配饰等管家式一揽子服务方案。

    Also , it launches a new service method and content , including style design , fitment design , construction management , home furnishing , soft decoration and so on .