
zhuāng jī róng liàng
  • installed capacity;installed capacity of;equipped capacitor;installed generating sets with a combined capacity of
装机容量[zhuāng jī róng liàng]
  1. 本文主要利用两种不同的方法对中国以火电为主营业务的发电企业总资产、装机容量、年净发电量的规模经济进行了研究。NET的一部分。

    This paper conducts research of economies of scale in capital , installed capacity and the net generating capacity in Chinese electricity generation enterprises whose essential business is involved in fuel electric plants .

  2. 装机容量愈大,输电距离愈长,要求串补度愈高,SSR的危害愈严重。

    With the increment of installed capacity , transmission distance and series compensation level , the damage of SSR will be more serious .

  3. 根据全球风能理事会(GlobalWindEnergyCouncil)的数据,欧盟2015年底累积风电装机容量为141.6GW。

    The EU had 141.6GW of cumulative capacity at the end of 2015 , according to the Global Wind Energy Council .

  4. 我们只须按程序要求输入n个电站的比例系数,便可求出各电站的装机容量和年最小费用。

    We only need input the proportion coefficient of power station , therefore , he can get the capacity and minimum fee of each year .

  5. 随着我国燃煤电站锅炉的装机容量不断增加,NOx排放带来的环境污染问题也越来越严重。

    The pollutant problem of NOx emission becomes more and more serious with coal fired boilers increasing .

  6. 据研究机构IHS表示,全球最大太阳能装机容量市场——中国的需求正在放缓,且未来增长预计将微不足道。

    Demand from China , the largest market for installations , is slowing and represents little of future growth , according to IHS .

  7. 大因加项目的地址位于刚果民主共和国的最西端,由多座大坝和水电站构成,装机容量将达4.2万兆瓦,接近目前世界第一大水电站中国三峡(ThreeGorgesDam)的两倍。

    Located in the far western extreme of the Democratic Republic of Congo , several dams and hydropower plants would deliver 42000 megawatts , nearly twice the size of the world 's largest power station , the Three Gorges Dam in China .

  8. 随着我国电力事业不断发展,装机容量大幅度增加,交联聚乙烯(XLPE)电缆在电网建设与电网改造中得到越来越广泛的应用。

    With the development of China power business , and the significant increasement of power capacity , the application of XLPE cable is more and more wide .

  9. 汉江上游流域水能资源丰富,干流可开发装机容量213万kw,年发电量69.73亿kw·h。

    Waterpower resources of Han river upland catchment is abundance , which main stream can develop 213 ten thousand kW installed capacity and annual capacity of electric production is 69.73 a hundred million kW ?

  10. 去年,中国以145GW的累积风电装机容量略微超过历史长得多的欧盟(EU)风电市场。努力减轻困扰中国大城市雾霾问题的中国政府设定了目标,到2020年时将这个数字提高到200GW。

    China last year edged past the EU 's much older wind market with a cumulative capacity of 145 gigawatts that the government aims to boost to 200GW by 2020 as it strives to cut the smog choking its biggest cities .

  11. 据统计,我国火力发电在2010年装机容量达到5亿千瓦,并有多达约13亿吨的煤炭消耗,新增加SO2量有560万吨。

    By 2010 the national thermal power installed capacity will reach about 500 million kilowatts , about 1.3 billion tons of coal consumption , the new generation of 5.6 million tons of sulfur dioxide .

  12. 进展集中在太阳能发电方面,去年太阳能发电装机容量增长50%,到2022年还将新增660吉瓦(GW)。

    The progress centres on solar power , where capacity grew by 50 per cent last year and is set to add another 660 GW by 2022 .

  13. 美国风能协会(americanwindenergyassociation(awea))在周四公布的一份报告中说:今年8月,美国风力发电的装机容量首次突破5万百万瓦大关,足以为1300万住户提供电力。

    The U. S. wind industry in August for the first time surpassed 50000 megawatts ( MW ) of generation capacity - enough to power 13 million homes , the American Wind Energy Association ( AWEA ) said in a report issued on Thursday .

  14. 市场研究集团IHS预计,今年中国太阳能电池板新增装机容量将达到创纪录的17.3吉瓦,略低于全球第五大太阳能发电国意大利的总装机容量。

    Market research group IHS predicts that China will add a record 17.3 gigawatts of solar panels this year , slightly less than the total installed capacity of Italy , the world 's fifth-biggest generator of power from the sun .

  15. 随着电力装备装机容量的大型化,其大锻件所用钢锭也越来越大,当前我国百万KW级核电大锻件最大钢锭已达到600吨级。

    As the installed capacity of electric power equipment becomes upsizing , the ingot used in heavy forgings also becomes larger and larger . At present , the biggest ingot of million KW grade nuclear heavy forgings has already been to 600 ton grade .

  16. Eon认为,截至2020年,可能总共需要增加约7000万千瓦的装机容量,几乎相当于英国现有的全部发电能力。

    In total , about 70,000 megawatts of new capacity could have to be built by the end of the next decade , Eon believes ; almost as much as Britain 's entire generation capacity today .

  17. 介绍了1997年以来湖北电网AGC工作的状况以及开展AGC工作采取的措施,分析了湖北电网省间交换功率、峰谷差和装机容量给湖北电网的AGC控制带来的影响。

    The work condition of automatic generation control ( AGC ) in Hubei Electric Network since 1997 was introduced . The influence from power interchange between provinces , difference between peak to valley and capacity of generator in Hubei electric network , on the AGC control was analyzed .

  18. 尽管中国计划大幅增加核电和可再生能源发电的比重,但咨询机构IHS表示,预计2020年前中国也将新增24800万千瓦的燃煤发电装机容量,相当于每月新建约三座燃煤电厂。

    Although it plans to boost sharply its nuclear and renewable power , it is also expected to add 248GW of coal capacity between now and 2020 , according to IHS , the consultancy - equal to about three new coal plants every month .

  19. 以装机容量为25MW的秸秆直燃发电系统为研究对象,对其进行生命周期评价,以系统、全面地评价它对生态环境的显见和潜在的影响。

    This paper takes 25 MW , biomass direct combustion power generation system as an example . The obvious and potential impacts of this system on environment have been evaluated by life cycle assessment .

  20. 公共建筑内均采用中央空调系统,装机容量在107~188W/m~2之间。

    The public buildings are using central air conditioning , and the designed refrigeration capacity per unit building area is from 107 W / m ~ 2 to 188 W / m ~ 2 . The refrigeration capacity depends on load rate by human control .

  21. 大型被补偿水电站装机容量选择

    Selection of Installation Capacity of Large-sized Hydropower Stations that is Compensated

  22. 水电站群装机容量最优分配的实用网络模型

    The network model of installed capacity optimization distribution in hydropower stations

  23. 风电的装机容量以每三年翻一番的速度快速增长。

    Wind power capacity increases rapidly , doubled every three years .

  24. 三峡电站装机容量扩充的经济合理性与风险分析研究

    Economy risk analysis of installed capacity expansion at Three Gorges power plant

  25. 长兴泗安水库水能计算和水电站装机容量的选择

    Computation of water energy for Sian reservoir and selection of installed capacity

  26. 风电产业;国产化率;装机容量。

    Wind power industry ; Localization Rate ; Installed Capacity .

  27. 多目标模糊模型优选水电站装机容量

    Applied multi-objective fuzzy model for installed capacity of hydroelectric station

  28. 纯抽水蓄能电站装机容量选择的经济分析

    Economical Analysis for Determining the Installed Capacity of the Pure Pumped-Storage Plant

  29. 2011年,中国可再生能源装机容量已是美国的两倍。

    In 2011 , installed renewable capacity was already twice the US .

  30. 发电量;装机容量;电力统计;灰色模型;预测;模型精度;

    Electric power output power capacity electric statistic Grey Medel forecast model accuracy ;