
  • 网络Chu;chu river
  1. 答题的时候要注意很多事情不是楚河汉界分明的。

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of having an retired person at home ?

  2. 在法国东北角,奔涌的莱茵河形成了法国与德国天然的楚河汉界。

    The Rhine River , at the northeast corner of France forms the Franco-German boundary .

  3. 为了决出胜负,他们在楚河一带展开了一场大战。

    In order to decide who could win , they had a great final battle the Chu River .

  4. 这些合同倾向于将客户和厂商置于楚河汉界的两边,而不是促成他们的协作。人们耗费大量时间和精力,讨论到底谁该为变更买单。

    These contracts tend to set up the customer and vendor against each other where , instead of collaboration , time and energy is spent on deciding who should pay for the change .

  5. 金天会九年(1131),原辽国大臣耶律大石在楚河流域重建国家,仍沿用辽国号,史称西辽。

    In the 9th year of Tianhui ( 1131 ) of the Jin , Yelu Dashi , a minister of the former Liao , reestablished the Liao in the Chuhe valley which became known as the Western Liao .

  6. 12世纪初至13世纪初,在中亚楚河流域建立的西辽政权,与金朝及西域民族均有密切的联系。

    From the beginning of the 12th century to the beginning of the 13th century , West Liao Kingdom established in the Chuhe river valley in mid-Asia kept close ties with the Jin Dynasty and the ethnic groups in the West Region .

  7. 巍巍中岳嵩山,武术祖庭少林寺,世界文化遗产龙门石窟,九朝古都洛阳,绵延的邙山脚下楚河汉界历史悠久,波澜壮阔的母亲河黄河源远流长。

    Wei Zhong songshan , an inquiry into the Shaolin martial arts , the World Cultural Heritage Longmen grottoes , Louyang nine North korea , ended in a clear demarcation line between the foot of Mangshan Mountain long history and magnificent mother River-long yellow river .