
  • 网络mountain lake;alpine lake
  1. 在天山地区西北部的伊塞克湖(issykkul)全国最大的湖泊,也是仅次于titicaca的全世界第二大的高山湖泊。

    Issyk KUL in north-western Tian Shan is the largest lake in Kyrgyzstan and the second largest mountain lake in the world after Titicaca .

  2. 曲折的盘山公路,会将人带到高山湖泊中禅寺湖(Chuzenji)和落差很大的华严瀑布(Kegonwaterfall)。

    A corkscrew of a road leads up to the alpine Lake Chuzenji and the high Kegon waterfall ;

  3. 它以高山湖泊和瀑布群为主要特色。

    Its main attractions are alpine lakes and waterfalls .

  4. 在成为冲突的同义词以前,克什米尔勾起的是野花原和清澈的高山湖泊。

    BEFORE becoming synonymous with conflict , the word Kashmir evoked wildflower meadows and crystal mountain lakes .

  5. 九寨沟遍布高山湖泊和大小瀑布,而这片广阔的湖水是九寨沟的珍宝明珠。

    This massive lake is the crown jewel of Jiuzhaigou , a region full of stunning alpine lakes and waterfalls .

  6. 该公园以其高大的山峰、分离的高山湖泊、丰富的野生动物,当然,还有冰川而闻名。

    The park is known for its tall mountain peaks , isolated alpine lakes , abundant wildlife and , of course , the glaciers .

  7. 内陆湖泊是气候变化敏感的指示器,高山湖泊处于自然状态,受人类活动影响较小,能够较真实地反映气候状况,而内陆河尾闾湖变化是自然和人类活动共同作用的结果。

    Inland lakes are sensitive indicators of climate change . High mountain lakes , due to less influence from human activity , can reflect the climate state accurately .

  8. 1983年5月,他们在几处结冰的高山湖泊边过了几天冷日子。接着便打算穿过黑耳斯图河。

    In may of1983 they spent a few cold days at a series of little icebound , no-name high lakes , then worked across into the hail strew River drainage .

  9. 这一地区以高山和湖泊为特色。

    This region is characterized by mountains and lakes .

  10. 有美丽的高山和湖泊,有趣的老城堡与美丽的公园和花园。

    There are beautiful mountains and lakes , and interesting old castles with beautiful parks and gardens .

  11. 山上常年水气蒸腾,云雾缭绕,形成“云峰烟雨”、“东岭晨曦”等自然景观,夹带着高山密林湖泊的清新空气,宛如人间仙境。

    The hills folded in the mist all the year round that carry the fresh air from forests and lakes , to form the natural views of Cloud Peak Rain and East Range Dawn , bring you to the fairyland .

  12. 由于在不同工区地理环境通常会发生很大变化,地形极其复杂,施工中常常会遇到高山、河流、湖泊、森林、高大建筑物等的阻挡,给施工带来了许多困难。

    As working in different geographical area , and the terrain is extremely complex , the constrction often encountered many difficulties such as the mountains , rivers , lakes , forests , tall buildings .

  13. 而少数民族,大多分布于周边地区,这些地区多草原、沙漠、森林、高原、高山、丘陵、湖泊等,宜于牧业、狩猎、渔业。

    The minority peoples mostly lived in peripheral areas , where the abundant grasslands , deserts , forests , plateaus , mountains , hills and lakes were favorable for stock raising , hunting and fishery .

  14. 镜泊湖是历经五次火山爆发,由熔岩阻塞河流形成的高山堰塞湖,是世界上少有的高山湖泊。

    Five volcanic eruptions and the blocking of the rivers by the lava led to the formation of Lake Jingbo , which is one of the few alpine barrier lakes in the world .