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chǔ ɡuó
  • State of Chu;a powerful state that existed 740-223 B.C.
  1. 一个楚国人向船夫学习驾船。

    A man of Chu learned to steer1 the boat from a boatman .

  2. 田鸠再次回到秦国,以楚国使者的身份很快就见到了秦惠王。

    With the new status , he met the king of Qin very soon .

  3. 楚国有个人非常怕鬼。

    There was a person of the state of Chu who feared ghosts very much .

  4. 于是,吴王就不再进攻楚国了。

    Consequently , the King of Wu dropped his plan to invade the State of Chu .

  5. 但是,楚国人却仍然按照白天做的标记偷渡,结果淹死了一千多人。

    yet the Chu army still tried to stealthily cross the river 1000 soldiers were drowned .

  6. 楚国有个人,家里非常贫苦。

    In the State of Chu , there was a man whose family was very poor .

  7. 一次,吴王要进攻楚国。

    Once , the King of the State of Wu wanted to invade the State of Chu .

  8. 一个燕国人生长燕国,但他却在楚国长大。

    A person who was born in the state of Yan grew up in the state of Chu .

  9. 楚国的国君灵王是非常喜欢腰身纤细苗条的朝臣。

    King Chulin , the king of the state of Chu , was very found of officials with slender waists .

  10. 从前,有个楚国人准备到郑国卖珍珠。

    In the past , a man of the State of Chu intended to go to the State of Zheng to sell pearls .

  11. 当船在旋涡里失去控制时,楚国人仓惶四顾,丧魂落魄。

    When the boat lost control in the vortex , the man looked around in panic , and was scared out of wits .

  12. 后来,人们都嘲笑这个楚国人,说他很善于卖匣子,却不善于卖珍珠。

    Later , people ridiculed the man of Chu by saying that he was good at selling cases , but not good at selling pearls .

  13. 楚威王派二位大臣游说庄子,希望他接受楚国相国的职位。

    Chu Weiwang , king of the state of Chu , sent two ministers to come to persuade him accepting the position of Prime Minister .

  14. 楚王对田鸠的才识很欣赏,于是派田鸠做楚国的使者出使秦国。

    The king of Chu thought very highly1 of Tian Jiu 's talents , and he appointed2 Tian jiu as the emissary to the state of Qin .

  15. 吴王警告他的大臣们说:“有谁再敢来劝阻我进攻楚国,我就处死他。”

    The King of Wu warned his ministers : " If anyone should dare to dissuade me from invading Chu again , I will put him to death . "

  16. 为了越过这个障碍,楚国派人悄悄地去测量澭水的深度,并且做好了夜间涉水过河的标记。

    To overcome this obstacle , the State of Chu sent men to secretly measure the depth of the Yong River and make marks for wading1 across the river at night .

  17. 古时候,有一次,楚国准备进攻宋国,而澭河水楚国夜间偷袭宋国的天然障碍。

    Once upon a time , the State of Chu planned to attack the State of Song . But the Yong River was the natural barrier against its surprise attack at night .

  18. 有一个人来到楚国王宫,把一种长生不死的药交给守卫官,请他敬献给国王。

    There was , a man who came to the palace of the State of Chu and gave the guard a kind of medicine for immortality2 to be presented to the king .

  19. 楚国,有一个人煮好了猴子肉,邀请邻居一起来吃,并且告诉他说:“这是狗肉。”

    In the State of Chu a man cooked some monkey meat and invited his neighbour to eat it with him . He told his neighbour : " This is dog meat . "

  20. 一天,有个名叫“和氏”的楚国人,在一座山里得到一块没有雕琢过的玉石,连忙拿去献给楚厉王。

    One day , a man named He Shi of the State of Chu got a piece of uncarved jade1 in a hill . He quickly went to present it to King Li of the State of Chu .

  21. 一个楚国人在郢国都里面高声歌唱,开始他唱的是《下里》《巴人》,郢都城中跟着他唱的有好几千人。

    A person of the state of Chu was singing loud in the capital city . At first he sang " Xia li " , and " Ba ren " , thousands of people joined him in sing .

  22. 学武的儿子到了楚国,向楚王讲述了自己的韬略,楚王高兴地请他留下来协助治理军事与政治。

    The son who studied martial arts went to the State of Chu to tell the King of Chu his own military strategies . The King of Chu gladly asked him to stay to help administer military and political affairs .

  23. 有个郑国人看到这只精美的匣子,非常喜欢,就用重金买了下来。但是,他却把匣子里的珍珠退还给了那个楚国人。

    A man of the State of Zheng saw this exquisite case and liked it very much . He bought it with a great deal of money , but he returned the pearl in the case to the man of Chu .

  24. 从宫里出来后,田鸠感慨不已地说:“想不到谒见秦王的途径,竟然是先要到楚国去走一趟。”

    Out of the palace of Qin , Tian Jiui sighed and said to himself , " I didn 't expect that in order to get access to the king of Qin , I would have gone to state Chu sirst . "

  25. 一天,楚国人自己驾船在水流平缓的地带试了一下,发现达到了得心应手的熟练程度,于是,他辞去了教他的船夫,驾着船直冲激流险滩。

    One day , he had a try to steer the boat in slow current by himself , and found that he could steer the boat with ease . So he dismissed the boatman , and steered2 the boat directly to the rip current .

  26. 有一天,孟子问戴不胜说:“如果有一个楚国大夫在这里,想要他的儿子学齐国话,那么,应该让齐国人教他呢,还是让楚国人教他?”

    One day Mencius asked Dai Busheng , " If a high official of the state of Chu stays here and he wants his son to learn the Qi language . Should he be taught by a person from Qi , or a person from Chu ? "

  27. 从前,楚国有一户人家,祭完祖宗以后,把一壶祭祀时用过的酒,赏给帮助办事的人喝。办事的人很多,可是酒只有一壶,到底给谁喝呢?

    In the past a family in the State of Chu made sacrificial offers to their ancestors , and after that they rewarded the people who helped in the ceremony with the pot of wine used in it . There were many helpers but only one pot of wine . Who should drink it ?

  28. 屈原是楚国的三闾大夫,也是中国(china)非常早的诗人之一。

    Qu Yuan was minister of the State of Chu and one of China 's earliest poets .

  29. 坐在车上的是伟大的楚国国君。

    Sitting in the chariot was the great King of Chu .

  30. 当时只有楚国和齐国能与之抗衡。

    Chu and Qi were only able to compete with them .