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wáng dào
  • kingly way;benevolent government;terrible
王道 [wáng dào]
  • (1) [kingly way;benevolent government]∶古时指以仁义统治天下的政策

  • (2) [terrible]∶利害;严厉

王道[wáng dào]
  1. 长期以来,在中朝哲学比较中,人们对孟子、李退溪的心性之学研究的比较多,而对两人的仁政王道之学却很少涉猎。

    For a long time , in Sino-Korea philosophic comparison , people has paid more attention to the research of mentality theory of Mencius " and Li Tuixi " s , but seldom touched on their theory of kingly way .

  2. 展望21世纪的国际关系与中国外交,中国传统战略文化中的务实王道仍具有顽强的生命力与辉煌的发展前景,对其加以与时俱进的改造,仍可服务于中国的崛起与复兴。

    Prospects for international relations and diplomacy of China in 21st century , kingly way of government in the traditional culture of China , given the reform with advancing with the time , will surely serves for the rise and rejuvenation of China .

  3. 天天更新内容,天天发展外链,是SEO的王道。

    Update content everyday , the catenary outside developing everyday , it is the kingcraft of SEO .

  4. 《维特罗斯(Waitrose)食品和饮料报告》显示,蛋奶冻夹心饼干在约克郡(Yorkshire)的人气无人能敌,而在兰开夏郡(Lancs)、牛津郡和剑桥郡,巧克力消化饼干才是王道。

    Custard creams are king in Yorkshire , says the Waitrose Food and Drink report , while chocolate digestives rule in Lancs , Oxford and Cambridge .

  5. aesthetism唯美主义。王道有木有!!!【参考译文】晚上好。我的名字是帕姆·琼斯,和现代舞蹈俱乐部的代表,我想欢迎你到今晚的节目。

    My nameis Pam Jones , and on behalf of the Modern Dance club , I 'd like to welcome you to tonight 's program .

  6. 不过,在搭配时,简洁还是王道;

    But in the mixing process , simplicity is the key .

  7. 这是软件国际化的王道。

    It is one of the cornerstones of software internationalization .

  8. 然而,如大多数事情一样,熟能生巧才是王道。

    However , like most things , practice makes perfect .

  9. 从字面上来说,对于极饿的人,生存才是王道。

    Literally speaking , for the ravenous person , survival is king .

  10. 神马都是浮云,戒烟才是王道!

    God horses are floating clouds and quit smoking is the most important .

  11. 双向的对话和直接交流仍然是王道。

    Direct communication where conversation can flow back and forth is still king .

  12. 增加你电脑的内存才是王道。

    Adding ram to your system is an efficient way to improve performance .

  13. 其三,王道教化对二者的“中和”使之和谐,决定着风俗转化的理想状态。

    Third , neutralization enlightenment determined the ideal state of the custom transformation .

  14. 在美国质量是王道!

    Quality is the god here in America !

  15. 原创还是王道采集器,特殊是在这个以科技为第平分娩力的时代。

    Being original is still king , especially in this tech-driven , group-grope world .

  16. 孟子思想体系的核心是仁政思想,他的圣人理想是为其王道的社会理想服务的。

    The core of Mencius ' system is his ideality of " Kingcraft " .

  17. 名牌并不代表一切,适合才是王道。

    Brand is not everything , fit is .

  18. 老师就是王道,他说的总是真理。

    The teacher is the king , and what he says is always the truth .

  19. 如今,环保理念才是王道。

    Now , greenery is in vogue .

  20. 危机爆发时,重商主义才是王道。

    In crises , the mercantilists rule .

  21. 所有她的道路都是和平王道!

    And all her paths are peace .

  22. 让电视电脑一边去,睡觉才是王道!

    Turn off the TV and your laptop , and make your sleep a priority !

  23. 每个人有每个人的思路,双持虽然很霸道但却不是王道。

    Everyone has everyone 's idea of dual-holders , though it is not the benevolent hegemony .

  24. 大家都很艰难啦,但是掌握平衡是王道。

    RB : It is difficult for everyone but it depends on the balance you have .

  25. 孟子理想中的圣人是要能够把儒家的王道理想推行于天下的人。

    The sage in Mencius ' theory must try his best to realize the kingcraft ideality of Confucianism .

  26. 把实现群居和一的礼制作为基本组织伦理,也就是实行王道之治。

    The realization of social and ritual as the basic organizational ethics also is the implementation of benevolent rule .

  27. 如果你认为钱索王道,有钱有女人,没钱没女人,那么。

    If you think the cable money benevolent wealthy woman , a woman did not have money , then .

  28. 王道还,廖月娟译《枪炮、病菌与钢铁;人类社会的命运》,台北:时报。

    " Guns , Germs , and Steel : The Fates of Human Societies ", New York : Norton .

  29. 原型保真度可能不高,但尽早收获真实的反馈数据才是王道。

    In general , I 'm a peak advocate of high-fidelity prototypes , either user prototypes , or live-data prototypes .

  30. 俄国不用带信用卡。你很可能找不到几个可以刷卡的地方,现金是王道。

    Russia Leave home without it : you probably wont find that many places where your credit card will be accepted .