
  • 网络oji;Oji Paper
  1. 在此之前,数以千计的启东市民走上街头,甚至占据当地政府部门的办公室,这些市民表示,他们担忧这一拟建设施将污染饮用水。该设施由日资集团王子制纸(OjiPaper)的一家子公司拥有。

    The decision came after thousands of Qidong residents took to the streets and occupied local government offices , voicing concerns that the planned facility , owned by a subsidiary of Oji Paper , a Japanese group , would pollute drinking water .

  2. 石桥胜人敦促王子制纸和其它日本造纸商把注意力放在本土合并与成本削减上。

    Mr Ishibashi urges Oji and other Japanese paper makers to focus on consolidation and cost-cutting at home .

  3. 王子制纸进军海外行动背后的商业原理似乎显而易见。

    The business rationale behind Oji 's move overseas seems clear .

  4. 其它日本造纸商倾向于把重点放在削减国内成本上,但王子制纸以前就逆传统做法而动。

    Other Japanese paper makers have preferred to focus on cutting costs at home but Oji has bucked convention before .

  5. 王子制纸9%的收入来自于海外,但筱田和久表示,他希望在5到10年内,将这一比例提高到20%。

    Oji generates 9 per cent of revenues overseas but Mr Shinoda says he hopes to raise that to 20 per cent in five to 10 years .

  6. 最终,这一要求得到了批准,不过条件是王子制纸把该项目10%的股权拱手让给合资企业的中国合作方。

    This was eventually granted but only on condition that Oji turn over a 10 per cent stake in the project to a Chinese joint venture partner .

  7. 去年,纸屑和木屑的成本跃升了50%,侵蚀了王子制纸的利润。而这在很大程度上是由中国的需求导致的。

    The cost of paper scraps and wood chips has jumped 50 per cent in the past year thanks largely to Chinese demand , biting into Oji 's profits .

  8. 2003年,省级监管机构给这家工厂颁发了许可证。但当王子制纸希望在同一地点增加一个纸浆处理厂时,却被告知需要中央政府方面的批准。

    In 2003 , provincial regulators granted permission for the factory but when Oji wanted to add a pulp processing plant to the site it was told it needed approval from Beijing .

  9. 石桥胜人警告称,王子制纸中国工厂4年的延误,可能从根本上改变其投资的经济学意义。因为其它国际造纸商也纷纷提高在华产量。

    Mr Ishibashi warns that the four-year delay at Oji 's China mill could fundamentally change the economics of its investment , because other international paper makers are also rushing to add capacity in the country .