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  • 网络Cher Wang
  1. 当王雪红(cherwang)走进满是人的房间时,大家都难以抑制自己的好奇心。

    When Cher Wang enters a roomful of people , they struggle to contain their curiosity .

  2. 现在,HTC则寄希望于公司联合创始人、董事长王雪红能够拯救这家深陷困局的台湾智能手机制造商。

    Now HTC , a struggling Taiwan-based smartphone maker , is pinning its hopes of redemption on co-founder and chairwoman Cher Wang .

  3. HTC董事长王雪红长吁了一口气;

    HTC Chairman of the Board Wang Xuehong sighs ;

  4. 在1997年参与创立的HTC公司,王雪红更喜欢隐居幕后,这一点并不意外。

    It is no surprise that Wang ( rhymes with gong ) prefers a more behind-the-scenes role at HTC , which she co-founded in 1997 .

  5. HTC董事长兼联合创始人王雪红(CherWang)表示,2014年将是“HTC的回归之年。这将是个好年份。”

    Cher Wang , HTC 's chairwoman and co-founder , said 2014 would be " HTC 's comeback year . It will be a good year . "

  6. 在创办宏达时,王雪红希望生产PDA手机兼具手机功能的迷你电脑但她需要聘请的工程师和其他人员几乎都没什么兴趣。

    When she set up HTC , Ms Wang wanted to make PDA phones mini-computers that can also act as handsets but there was little interest from engineers and others she needed to recruit .

  7. 过去一年中,该公司董事长王雪红加大了在公司管理方面的参与度,该公司最近还聘请了三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)前美国市场营销总监戈尔登(PaulGolden)担任顾问,以增强公司的营销能力。

    Chairwoman Cher Wang has taken a more active role in management in the past year , and the company recently hired Samsung Electronics Co. 's former U.S. marketing chief , Paul Golden , as a consultant to beef up its marketing .

  8. 在王永庆台湾领先石化集团台塑(FormosaPlastics)的创办人兼董事长的10个子女中,王雪红最初并不是最有可能在商界发展的人。

    Of the 10 children of Mr Wang , the founder and chairman of Formosa Plastics , Taiwan 's leading petrochemicals group , Ms Wang was not initially the likeliest to have a career in business .

  9. HTC的成功使得其董事长、也是最大的股东王雪红女士超过鸿海集团董事长郭台铭荣登福布斯台湾富人榜榜首。

    The firm 's success has pushed Cher Wang , its chairwoman and largest shareholder , to the top of Forbes 's Taiwan rich list , passing Terry Gou , the boss of Hon Hai .

  10. 与宏达合作的T-Mobile的一位高管表示:王雪红用消费者的眼光来管理企业,因为她不是一名工程师。

    Cher approaches the business with the eyes of the consumer , because she is not an engineer , says one executive at T-Mobile , who has worked with HTC .

  11. 王雪红在加州门罗帕克的瑰丽酒店(RosewoodHotel)接受采访时说:我必须得回信,否则他会很生气。(她要经常往返于旧金山湾区和台北,这里靠近HTC的总部。)

    I had to write back or he would be upset , says Wang during an interview at the Rosewood Hotel in Menlo Park , Calif. ( She splits her time between the Bay Area and Taipei , close to where HTC is based . )

  12. 王雪红回忆道:每周三轮到我做饭。

    Wednesdays were my day to cook , Wang recalls .

  13. 王雪红的家族商业人才辈出。

    Wang comes from a family of accomplished business executives .

  14. 在谈到父母的时候,王雪红忍不住潸然泪下。

    Wang tears up when she talks about her parents .

  15. 但王雪红只记得有趣和好奇。

    But Ms Wang remembers only fun and curiosity .

  16. 王雪红说:最初,竞争没有这么激烈。

    In the beginning , the competition was not as severe , says Wang .

  17. 事实上,王雪红的少年时代一直都在学会适应。

    In fact , Wang spent much of her teen years learning how to adapt .

  18. 去年,面对不安的投资者施加的压力,55岁的王雪红重新开始参与公司的日常运营。

    Last year under pressure from agitated investors , Wang , 55 , resumed day-to-day involvement .

  19. 在创办自己的公司时,王雪红也展示出了这种开创精神。

    It was the kind of pioneering spirit she was to display when building her own companies .

  20. 尽管首席执行官周永明负责宏达的日常运营,但王雪红是一位实干型的董事长。

    Although chief executive Mr Chou runs the day-to-day business at HTC , Ms Wang is a hands-on chairman .

  21. 王雪红说,她愿意持有公司的控股股权,以长远眼光看待自己支持的公司。

    Ms Wang says she likes to take a controlling stake in companies and to take a long-term view on companies she backs .

  22. 身为一名虔诚的基督徒,王雪红却不得不寄宿在一个犹太家庭。她要接触全新的食物、习俗和责任。

    A devout Christian , Wang lived with a Jewish host family , where she was exposed to new foods , customs , and responsibilities .

  23. 同样在1987年,王雪红和丈夫陈文琦在硅谷创办了芯片设计公司威盛。

    Also in 1987 , Ms Wang and her husband Chen Wenchi set up via technologies , a chip design house , in Silicon Valley .

  24. 与大多数兄弟姐妹一样,王雪红在高中时就被送往海外读书,通过传真与家人保持联系。

    Like most of her siblings , Ms Wang was sent overseas as a high school student and kept in touch with her family through long faxed letters .

  25. 还在学校时,王雪红就开始为父亲在美国购买医疗设备。她父亲当时创办的那家医院后来成了台湾一家一流的医院。

    While still at college , she procured medical equipment in the US for her father who was establishing what would become one of Taiwan 's leading hospitals .

  26. 王雪红则采用了不同的策略:1987年,她代表大众电脑出访了中国大陆南部地区,成为首批在那里建造制造基地的台商之一。

    Ms Wang decided on a different strategy : in 1987 she visited southern China for first international computer as one of the first Taiwanese businesspeople to build a manufacturing base there .

  27. 直到在全球电子设备生产商中,王雪红1997年创办的智能手机公司宏达成为一颗迅速升起新星,这位50岁的公司董事长才开始在公众场合露面。

    Only since HTC , the smartphone company she set up in 1997 , became a fast-rising star among global gadget makers has the 50-year-old chairman of the company engaged with the public .

  28. 王雪红说,刚开始经商的时候,她会整夜整夜地工作。她说:我试图鼓励研发人员熬夜工作。

    In her early years in business , says Ms Wang , she would spend entire nights at work . I was trying to encourage our research and development staff to stay overnight , she says .