
zhōnɡ bù měi zhōu
  • Mesoamericans;Meso-America;Meso-American Indian;Mesoamerican Civilization
  1. 我们刚让今天变为历史,我们已经花费了太多的时间去讨论公共交通、气候改变、多数医疗产品的设计不良以及硅谷与中部美洲的沟通欠缺的问题。

    We just have one day in the books and we 've already spent a lot of time discussing public transit , climate change , the poor design of most medical products and the disconnect between Silicon Valley and middle America .

  2. 衣囊鼠科的穴居啮齿类动物,有大的外颊囊;产于美洲中部和北美洲西南部。

    Burrowing rodent of the family Geomyidae having large external cheek pouches ; of Central America and southwestern North America .

  3. 总而言之,由于退化的陆地景观以及气候的转变,最脆弱的地区包括了亚洲南部,欧洲西部和中部,南美洲东部以及澳洲南部。这个分析现在能指明保护措施了,越稳定完整的区域可能只需要监控。

    All told , the most vulnerable regions included much of southern Asia , western and central Europe , eastern South America and southern Australia thanks to a combination of degraded landscapes and shifting climates . This analysis can now inform conservation efforts : more stable intact areas may just require monitoring .