
  1. 圣马力诺是仅存的意大利城邦。

    San Marino is the only surviving Italian city-state .

  2. 文章以希腊罗马、意大利城邦和近代英法为例,厘清欧洲共和思想的历史脉络。

    This article clarifies the historical line by Greek , Rome , Italy city-state , modern Britain and France .

  3. 雅典是一个明显的例外,尽管政府对人民负责的理想状态也存在于古罗马以及意大利城邦国家。

    Athens was a great exception , though the ideal of government accountable to the people also existed in ancient Rome and in the Italian city states .

  4. 每次意大利城邦之间打仗,霍克伍德便把他的士兵雇用给愿出高价的君王。

    Whenever the Italian city-states were at war with each other , Hawkwood used to hire his soldiers to princes who were willing to pay the high price he demanded .

  5. 在意大利城邦制的成长与文艺复兴同时并起,因此人文主义者便能够从共和时代的希腊人与罗马人的政治理论有所收获。

    The growth of City States in Italy synchronized with the revival of learning , and made it possible for humanists to profit by the political theories of republican Greeks and Romans .

  6. 就目前而言,对抗埃博拉的最佳武器仍然是最古老的方法:对暴露者实施隔离检疫(quarantine,这个名词和这种方法是14世纪意大利各城邦发明的);对感染者实施完全隔离。

    For now the best weapons against Ebola are still the oldest : quarantine of the exposed ( a word and an idea invented by Italian city states in the 14th century ) and isolation of the sick .

  7. 在法国的拿破仑的军事行动,意大利各个城邦国都被其征服,由拿破仑划成一个意大利王国(RegnodiSardegna),这是现代史上意大利的第一次统一。

    Under France " s Napoleon " s military action , all the Italian city-nations were being conquered and unified as an Italian empire ( Regno di Sardegna ) by Napoleon .

  8. 这些海员来自意大利诸商业城邦,结成自主管理社团,航海结束后便会返回家乡。

    Belonging to the various Italian trading states these self governing communes were granted to the Italian States in return for naval support .

  9. 文艺复兴刚开始时,意大利被分成一群城邦。

    At the beginning of the Renaissance , Italy was divided into a group of states .