
  • 网络construction company;construction enterprise
  1. 对我国建筑施工企业总体生产技术效率的研究&数据包围分析(DEA)方法的模型与应用

    Research on the Total Production Efficiency of Construction Enterprises in China ── Model Establishment and Application of DEA Approach

  2. 但与此同时,JS公司作为老国有建筑施工企业的弊端也在逐步显现,特别是近年来缺乏科学战略的指引,在经济转型和行业竞争的态势下,面临日趋严重的考验。

    At the same time , JS company as the old state-owned construction enterprises is gradually revealed the disadvantages , especially in recent years , the lack of scientific guidelines on strategy , in the economic restructuring and the competition situation , faced growing challenges .

  3. 大型建筑施工企业ERP系统的组建及实施

    Establishment and Implementation of ERP System in Large Building Construction Enterprise

  4. 建筑施工企业的资源规划(ERP)应用软件

    Resource Planning Software for Construction Enterprises

  5. NK建工集团是黑龙江省一家国有大型建筑施工企业。

    NK Construction Group is a large state-owned construction enterprise in Heilongjiang Province .

  6. ZJ建筑施工企业战略性结构重构研究

    ZJ Construction Enterprise Strategic Structure Reengineering Research

  7. ISO9002质量体系在建筑施工企业试验室的应用

    Application of ISO 9002 on Constructing Labs

  8. 通过对SD工程公司的发展战略的研究得出建筑施工企业发展战略一些具有共同的规律,为相类似的建筑工程施工企业提供参考和借鉴。

    Through the research on the development strategy of SD engineering company , this paper conclude some of the common law about construction enterprises , and provide the reference for the similar engineering construction enterprise .

  9. 随着中国加入WTO,我国建筑施工企业面对的是国际市场的竞争,国外大型建筑承包商,成熟的项目管理经验、先进的施工组织技术,是其参与国际竞争的主要优势。

    Joining the WTO , Chinese construction enterprises face the international competition in the market . Large-scale foreign construction contractors have its own advantages when involving in the international market , such as mature project management experience and advanced technique of construction organization .

  10. 本文阐述了对ISO9001∶2000版标准中几个过程的理解,并具体分析了建筑施工企业应如何确保过程的有效实施。

    This paper mainly introduces the comprehension of several course about ISO9001 ∶ 2000 edition standard analyses how to ensure the efficient implement of in architecture construction enterprise .

  11. 本文将企业核心竞争力引入我国的建筑施工企业,通过借助AHP模型来测评建筑施工企业的核心竞争力从而使建筑施工企业达到优化资源配置、提高核心竞争力的目的。

    In this dissertation , core competence of enterprises is brought into construction enterprises of our country . With AHP model , core competence of construction enterprises is assessed , which can make allocation of resources and core competence of construction enterprises optimized and enhanced .

  12. 本文在把握内部控制相关理论的基础上,从分析HJ建筑施工企业内部控制现状和行业状况入手,通过典型事例对内部控制中存在的问题进行描述。

    Based on correlative theories of internal control , this article firstly analyses internal control situation of HJ construction company and construction calling , describes existing problems by model examples .

  13. 使用直接取得法、计算分析法、调查咨询法对实际建筑施工企业核心竞争力测评指标进行数据采集,确定AHP模型的各指标权重,并对被测评建筑施工企业核心竞争力计算最终得分。

    (ⅲ) Direct obtaining method , calculated analytic method , investigating and consulting method are used to collect data of assessment indexes of core competence of actual construction enterprise , index weights of AHP model are defined , and final score of core competence of this construction enterprises is obtained .

  14. 实践证明,该方法对PHC管桩基础施工企业进行成本管理有较好的指导作用,能达到降耗、创效,提高经济效益的目的,也为其他建筑施工企业提供了借鉴。

    The content and method of the cost control in the construction of the PHC concrete pipe and prop foundation are introduced . It is proved that this method can serve as a better guidance for enterprises to control their construction costs , reduce energy consumption and enhance economic benefit .

  15. 温州建筑施工企业未来人才需求探讨

    A Study on the Demand of Talents in Wenzhou Construction Enterprises

  16. 建筑施工企业管理与竞争的关系研究

    Research on the Relations of Management and Competition of Construction Enterprise

  17. 最后,论文进行了大型建筑施工企业的职能战略分析。

    Finally , a large construction paper enterprises strategic analysis functions .

  18. 建筑施工企业如何在工程施工阶段进行成本控制

    How Building Construction Enterprises Control Cost at the Project Construction Stage

  19. 关于公路建筑施工企业合同管理问题的思考

    Consideration about the Contract Management of the Highway Construction Engineering Enterprise

  20. 浅谈建筑施工企业的安全生产管理措施

    Initial analysis on safet production management measure in building construction enterprise

  21. 加强建筑施工企业安全生产管理的研究

    Study on the strengthening the safety production management of construction enterprises

  22. 浅谈建筑施工企业物资管理与各部门之间的关系

    Thesis for Relations Between Material Management and Departments of Construction Corporations

  23. 建筑施工企业安全成本优化和控制的策略构想

    Tactics on Optimization and Control of Safety Cost in Construction Enterprises

  24. 建筑施工企业安全危机管理模式探讨

    Approaches on Management Mode of Safety Crisis in the Construction Enterprises

  25. 入世后地矿行业建筑施工企业发展的思考

    The challenges and opportunities of the construction company after entering WTO

  26. 关于建筑施工企业拓展工程项目管理业务的思考

    The thinks about business expansion of project management in construction enterprises

  27. 入世对我国建筑施工企业的影响及应对策略

    Influence of Joining wto on Domestic Building Enterprise and Strategies

  28. 建筑施工企业质量损失成本源的分析研究

    The Analysis of Failure Cost Source in the Construction Industry

  29. 建筑施工企业如何应对入世挑战

    Discussion on how architecture construction enterprise face challenge after entering into WTO

  30. 建筑施工企业技术经济指标的关联度分析

    Analysis of Relational Grade on Technical and Economic Indicators in Construction Companies