
  • 网络GPA;Grade point average
  1. 当我开始上大学时,希望奖学金得到了乔治亚州的资助,并颁发给平均学分绩点为3。0或以上的高中毕业生。

    When I started college , the HOPE scholarship was funded by the state of Georgia and offered to graduating high school seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher .

  2. 没有比人际关系网络更重要的金钱项目了,因为获得工作的最快方法就是通过你认识的人,而不是完全依赖你的平均学分绩点。

    No money item could be more important than your network because the quickest way to secure a job is all about who you know , and not totally dependent on your GPA .

  3. 谷歌(GoogleInc.)因高度重视求职者的平均学分绩点、考试分数和母校而著称,但该公司在大约两年前改变了策略,因数据显示传统意义上“血统纯正”的求职者工作不一定更出色。

    Google Inc. famously fixated on job candidates ' grade-point averages , test scores and alma mater , but the company changed tactics about two years ago , when data showed that traditionally pedigreed candidates didn 't always make better hires .

  4. 弗吉尼亚州麦克莱恩(McLean)的事件管理软件公司CventInc.要求所有求职者在提供工作履历的同时提交SAT或ACT分数、研究生院入学测试成绩和平均学分绩点。

    Cvent Inc. , a McLean , Va. , event management software company , asks all job applicants to provide SAT or ACT scores , results from graduate-school entrance tests and grade-point averages along with their work history .

  5. 授予学士学位平均学分绩点界值的确定,应视学校的具体情况。

    The average credit by percentage by which to grant bachelordegree should be determined by schools'concrete conditions .

  6. 必须取得的平均学分绩点的下限、以及在各院系或学科需修学分的分布情况。

    the minimum grade point average you must achieve and the distribution of credits you must have from among differing departments or fields of study .

  7. 该文就学分制教学管理中经常涉及到的关于课程学分的认定、学分绩点与平均学分绩点的计算等学分管理问题作一些探讨。

    The article mainly discusses the commonly occurred problems during the judgment of the course credit , the calculation of credit accumulation point and the average credit accumulation point .