
  • 网络Inverse-square law;the inverse square law
  1. 重力子因此必须改而沿著膜行进,所以重力遵循平方反比定律。

    The gravitons must instead move along the brane , so gravity follows an inverse-square law .

  2. 物理学家长久以来就知道,如果重力子有质量,重力就不会遵循平方反比定律。

    As physicists have long known , if gravitons have mass , gravity does not obey an inverse-square law .

  3. 提示:照射距离为50~100cm时可采用平方反比定律计算剂量,如果可能尽量采用相同的距离进行最小红斑量测定与照射或按不同距离时的强度比值折算。

    It was suggested that in the radiation distance of 5o to 100 cm , the dosage could be calculated by the square inverse ratio law .

  4. 关于库仑平方反比定律的证明

    On the Certification of the Coulomb Law of Inverse Ratio to the Square

  5. 库仑平方反比定律是电磁学的基本定律之一。

    The Coulomb law of inverse ratio to the square is one of the basic laws of electromagnetics .

  6. 认为作用于行星的是平方反比定律的引力,这种看法在牛顿时代很流行。

    The idea of an inverse-square law of gravitational force acting on the planets was in the air around Newton 's time . The numerical values available in Newton 's time were not highly precise .

  7. (物理)两个物体相互吸引的力度与其物质质量成正比但与其距离之平方成反比的定律。

    ( physics ) the law that states any two bodies attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them .

  8. 由笔者推得的强度与微结构层厚度尺寸平方根成反比的定律解释了渗碳体层高强度的原因。

    Furthermore , a strength dimension law that the strength is inversely proportional to the square root of the layer thickness is developed to explain the high strength of the cementite layer .