
fū luǎn
  • incubate;brood;hatch;gestation
孵卵 [fū luǎn]
  • [hatch;brood] 鸟类用体温孵蛋

孵卵[fū luǎn]
  1. 他们的卵在孵卵囊里(胸部和腹部之间)。

    The eggs are held in a brood pouch between their extended abdomen and thorax .

  2. 鸟儿回到巢里继续孵卵。

    The birds returned to their nests and continued to incubate the eggs .

  3. 雌鸟孵卵16天左右,这期间雄鸟负责觅食。

    The female bird incubates the eggs for about 16 days while the male brings food .

  4. 每巢产3~5枚卵,孵卵期21d,育雏期41d,42日龄后幼鸟离巢飞走,出飞存活率625%。

    Normally a nest had 3-5 eggs , and the incubation period was 21 days . After being fledged for 41 days , the young birds flight off the nest on the 42nd day and the rate of survival upon flying away was 62 5 % .

  5. 现在只剩下你一个人盯着空荡荡的孵卵槽。

    And today you 're staring into an empty incubation tank .

  6. 因此他们建造了装备良好的孵卵场所并开始工作。

    So they set up well-equipped hatcheries and went to work .

  7. 在孵卵期,繁殖行为比值最高。

    Breeding behavior is the main behavior during incubating period .

  8. 侧面显示一个小但明显的孵卵袋。

    A side profile with the small but still obvious brooding pouch .

  9. 颜色鲜艳的海鱼,用嘴孵卵。

    Bright-colored marine fishes that incubate eggs in the mouth .

  10. 孵卵温度与中华鳖性别决定

    The Incubation Temperature and the Sex Determination of Trionyx Sinensis

  11. 白头鹤孵卵后期的行为节律观察

    Behavior Rhythm of Hooded Crane during Late Incubating Period

  12. 最佳孵化方式为电孵卵器孵化,其次为雌鸟自然孵化。

    Electric incubation was the best method and natural hatching the most inferior .

  13. 可有看到这尾巨大玫瑰金过背抹黑了的孵卵袋?

    See the blackened brooding pouch of this huge-sized Rose Gold Cross Back ?

  14. 孵卵器用来孵小鸡。

    An incubator is used to hatch chickens .

  15. 以莲花山斑尾榛鸡(Bonasasewerzowi)的研究结果为例,介绍了利用自动温度记录器技术研究鸟类产卵孵卵节律的方法。

    Data logger technique is important for studying the avian laying and incubation rhythms .

  16. 伯南克在生物医学的企业孵卵器讲话称为匹兹堡是生命科学温室。

    Bernanke spoke at the biomedical business incubator called the Pittsburgh Life Sciences Greenhouse .

  17. 孵卵器孵出的鸡爱它们的母亲吗?

    Do incubator chickens love their mother ?

  18. 暖血孵卵脊椎动物的一科,有羽毛,其前肢已退化翅膀。

    A family of warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings .

  19. 这个老大娘让她的母鸡孵卵。

    The old woman set her hen .

  20. 领域的大小在孵卵期和育雏期是稳定的。

    The size of territory doesn 't vary in the period of incubation and feeding nestling .

  21. 自动温度记录技术在斑尾榛鸡产卵孵卵节律研究中的应用

    The application of data logger technique to the study of incubation rhythms of the Chinese grouse

  22. 繁殖于西伯利亚、中国大陆及日本,雌鸟孵卵时由雄鸟喂食。

    This is an insectivorous species which breeds in Japan , eastern Siberia and the Himalayas .

  23. 母鸟孵卵16天左右,而公鸟负责觅食。

    The female bird incubates the eggs for about sixteen days while the male brings food .

  24. 放在巢中吸引母鸡孵卵的人造蛋。

    An artificial egg left in a nest to induce hens to lay their eggs in it .

  25. 这是一系列八张照片中的第二张。照片中,它肿胀的孵卵袋是非常明显的。

    The second of a series of8 poses , this shot shows the swollen brooding pouch very clearly .

  26. 在这个物种里,父母中任何一方都可能在孵卵后抛弃伴侣。

    In this species , either parent may decide to abandon its partner after incubation of the eggs .

  27. 孵卵温度3839℃。孵化期2326天。

    The incubation temperature is 38 & 39 ℃ and the incubation period is 23 to 26 days .

  28. 美国科学家发现在孵卵所的虹鳟其繁殖能力远不如野生种野生鱼类。

    US scientists found steelhead trout reared in hatcheries were much less good at reproducing than wild fish .

  29. 不是很大的孵卵袋但它的下巴可是全黄金色的。

    Not too big a brooding pouch but the full golden lower jaw is very obvious in this picture .

  30. 孵卵的鸟不离开巢太久,以免鸟卵变冷。

    The incubating bird does not stay away from her nest long enough for the eggs to become cold .